Scraping by is not good enough. Making passing grades to stay eligible for sports will not get you anywhere in life. It's a rude awakening when you cannot get scholarships, or even admittance to an in-state school because of a sub-3.0 G.P.A. It's embarrassing, and so many doors close for you. Do not give up though. No matter what year you are, there is always time to turn things around! Hard work will show, and people will notice.
I wish that I could go back and tell myself that evrything would be okay. I wish often that I could have somehow let myself know that school wouldn't always be that place that I never belonged. I wish that I could go back in time and let myself know that soon enough I would have people that loved and supported me, now matter who I was. I wish I could tell me that I wouldn't be alone.
Learn how to work hard in life, focus on a clear future plan, and never quit trying to reach your goals.
Do not attend schreiner. The school is way too expensive and the atheltic department is a huge joke. Schreiner needs a new athletic director along with a new coaching staff. Find a better school that is better socially sound with a better athletic department.
If I could pull a Marty McFly and go back in time, I would tell my eighteen year old self to prepare for the unexpected and be ready for change.
After spending two years in college, I've learned more about myself than I ever did in high school. Likewise, it feels as if I've lived a big life considering the short amount of time. I've made lifelong friends, lost people I truly cared about, found out I have a learning disability, learned what love really means and realized that God truly is everything.
In so many ways, innocence defined my high school years. I was sheltered from reality and it wasn't until college that I stopped seeing the world as being cookie cutter.
So if I could go back, I'd say “Be ready because your life is about to change. The way you see people and the way you see yourself will change. Don't be so afraid because there is nothing to be scared of. God is with you.”
Then I would get into my DeLorean DMC-12 and hit 88 mph, praying I took my own advice.
The adive I would give myself would be to have studied more, focused more on school, taken the ACT more than twice, been involved in more school clubs and activities, listened to the adults around me, gotten tutored more than i did, took things seriously, and most of all got an 'A' in all of my classes. I thought Senior year would be just a breeze. It was not what I expected. If i had it to do over again, I definately would such all of the above. For everyone who is going to be a senior, I try and tell them that they need to focus as much as they can because it does reflect upon your future.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely tell myself to focus. Senior year is not a time for goofing off, it is the time to prepare for college. I would remind myself to apply for scholarships and really determine which major would best suit me. While other high school seniors were out partying, it would benefit me to be planning for the year ahead. I would remind myself that even though high school seems incredibly important right now, it really is not. College is where life really begins. Every decision you make after high school will shape the rest of your life.
Standing on the threshold of adulthood can feel terrifying. Your classmates are dispersing, your responsibilities are increasing, and everything in your universe is shifting before your eyes. However, you've worked to build a path leading to a bright future and the acceptance letter from the university you're holding in your hand is the light at the end of the tunnel. On your first day of classes, your nerves will be singing...but know this: you've been successful enough in high school to earn the university's faith in your placement as a member of their student body. You've proven--through the grades you've earned, the resume saved on your computer, and other various experiences you've had--that you are a capable student and that you have a drive to succeed. The courses may be harder and the environment new, but these abilities and experiences are tools you carry with you wherever life may take use them, continue to hone them, and never fail to try new things and make new experiences that will carry you even further in life. The ability to learn from your experiences is the key to college success.
If I could go back in time and talk to the person I was as a senior in high school, some things would be different then they are now. Now that I know what and how the college life is like, I would have made a few better choices my senior year. Everyone thinks that your senior year is a basically the year you can blow off, well that is wrong. I do not know what anyone would make you think that. If I could go back, I would change the way I was during those last eight classes I had to take. I would have focused and become more organized than I was. Now that I am in college, it was such an eye opener for how much you actually need to focus. Being a college student is completely different than a high school student. After my first year of college, I know what I should do and how I can accomplish more in life. I wish I would have realized that when I was a senior.
Jessica, I know that you are seventeen and your emotions are running wild. There are boys, feelings, emotions that you are letting hold you back from being actively involved in high school. My biggest advice, DO NOT TAKE SCHOOL WORK LIGHTLY! Work hard, get good grades, it all sounds like things you may hear from older, wiser folks but it is true. I know you have no one to really act proud of you but when you get into the real world, you will quickly learn that the only person you need to impress is yourself! When you get into college you will wish you would have made those grades. There are big intimidating people looking at your transcipts and judging you the minute they see that you got a D in algebra. It is never to late to make a change but the quicker you make that step to motivate yourself to try, to do things for your future, the sooner things will start to look up.