Schreiner University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Schreiner University know before they start?


I would tell the high school senior me to start getting as many scholarships as you can. Also I would have told her to tske more classes that challenge me like trigonometry and other classes like that to prepare myself for college level. I would have told the old me to keep focus on my work and just study a little more every night. There are many things I would have told the high school me but overall I focused on my work, I study for hours every day, and I tried to get honor roll as much as I could and I am proud of what I have accomplished so far is what I would of told the hgih school senior me


I would tell myself to not have any regrets because life is too short, and tell my past self to give hugs to those of my friends who wouldnt be alive today. The last thing I would tell myself is to try harder in everything I do.


Stefaney, Take the time to explore and open new doors, but always study first. Challenge yourself and never give up. Be yourself because you are different and people will love your strong and respectful personality. Times will be hard, but perserverance is the key to success. Leave guys alone; you dont need them and they will distract you. Be bubbly, kind, and always stand up for what you believe in; even if the world does not agree! The biggest advice I can give you is learn to forgive. You find christ again and it is this concept of forgivness and moving on that keeps you from lingering in the past. You are always loved no matter what you do!


The advice I would give myself if I could go back in time would be to stay in high school because it is so much easier to attend college, as well as pay for college, if you go right after high school. There are so many more opportunities for students fresh out of high school, and I think if I would have completed high school, I could have gotten scholarships to attend any school I wanted to, giving me the ability to move somewhere new and meet new people, and quite possibly start my life with a new beginning.


It's easy enough, just do the same thing you're doing now and you'll be fine. Although I probably wouldn't choose to go back in time...


Don't wait to go to college. Enroll as soon as possible. Go with what you're good at, computers. Engineering and accounting aren't really for you though you are adequate at them. Try to socialize more and try to get more scholarships and try to move into the dorms sooner.


1. Practice studying. High school is fairly easy to blow through without much studying, but it's a skill that is necessary in college. If you can't study effectively, you're going to do poorly. 2. Practice time management. You're going to have a lot more free time in college than you did in high school, and you're going to have a lot more freedom. That's not to say, though, that you should ignore your responsibilities and spend that time slacking off. You're going to have a heavy workload, and you're going to have to spend more of your time working to maintain your grades. A corollary to this is that you need to learn how to say "No" when asked to go out. 3. Read. This will help you when writing research papers and offering input in class. Being able to draw on past events really legitimizes your point. 4. Get involved. If you feel bored, you need to get involved in a club. Whether the club focuses on photography, shooting, or community service, you need to find one that you enjoy. You'll make friends, and have a solid resume.


Do not under-sell yourself, Reach for the moon and if you miss you will land amongthe stars, Be all you can be in college. If you are thinking that you can not afford to go to college, I am telling you that you can. Don't go to a community college to get your basics out of the way, then switch to a larger college. Do everything now to your fullest. Be all you can be. If you do not have enough money to go to college, then enroll and take out loans. I promise you that if you work hard, make good grades, and get involved extensively with your campus, scholarships will find you. I came from a poor family and I did not think I was going to be able pay for college. I told myself that if I work hard, I will recieve scholarships, and that has happened. Make new lifelong friends and make sure your new start to college is a good one. Also, it is very beneficial to join a Fraternity/Sorority. I was skeptical as a high school senior, but I did it, and I would have regreted if I didn't join.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I advise myself to apply for more scholarships. I believe I made the perfect choice when picking Schreiner University because it is the place where I can be a disciple of God and live a christian life as I get an education. When making the transition from high school to college I would have advised myself to show the person I really am and not be afraid of what others might think of me. I would have also advised myself to not be so introverted because it is not always good. College is the place where I truly found who I am and it would have been nice to have known who I was as I transitioned from high school to college.


Be prepared in High School before going into college. You have to go to class, get plenty of rest, and know when to transition from social mode into study mode. Do not slack off, because you will be paying this yourself. If you need help, get a tutor, and if your computer is not working right, go to the technology department. If you have a question, go to student success, Mr. Gordan Findly has candy and is always welcomed to help. I know getting a job and going to school is tough and at the end of the first week, your paycheck is gone, so do not blow it all because you will need some for school.