If I could go back in time and give myself advice I would tell myself how important studying and being involved in clubs and organizations is. In high school, studying did not seem as important as much as it really was. If I would have taught myself how to study, I would have better prepared myself for college. I also would tell myself to get involved in more clubs and activities. Being involved in organizations in college helps college students stay active and make new friends. The last thing I would tell myself is to put as much time and effort possible into finding scholarships. I now realize how many scholarships there are out there and I could have prevented the stress and work finding the scholarships today. Although there are things I would tell myself to do differently, I do believe that I did well my senior year. I am glad I took AP and dual credit courses to get some classes out of the way. So if I went back in time, I would tell myself to study more, get involved, find more scholarships, and keep up the hard work and effort in everything else.
The advice I would give myself is to do it. You need a college education in todays time. You can not go and get a coaching, teaching , job without a degree. My parents did not get a college degree. They had to get a job when they were old enough to work. My parents said with my knowledge and ambition that I need to use it . I am the type of person that has the desire to better myself. I am willing to work hard in order to accomplish my goals. My goal is to prolong my education because I want to be someone in life. I want to help people who are less fortunate and even if I help one person. I know I have done some good. I plan to pursue a career in the exercise science. I have learned alot from my coaches throughout my high school and now I want to help others, the way my coaches assisted me. I want to help people especially the younger generation who are our future. My parents have had a huge impact on my life and it is because of them that I am the person I am today.
i would say that when you first enter college its kinda nerve wrecking because you have enetered a whole new schooling experience. You can manage your own time and you make new friends. You are also away from home and away from your parents so you get kind of home sick but after a while you get used to being away from them and you will always have your friends there to help you and each other out. I would definatley say stay away from parties and drinking because it can get you in trouble and it can also make you lose friends and mess up relationships. Always go to class and always do your work. You will regret it later when you havent been going to class and you see that you are failing. You should also think about joining a club or a sorority to keep yourself busy and to stay out of trouble. Always maintain a positive attitude and always seek help from a friend or a professor if you are having trouble with work. College is fun! Socialize and make new friends! Keep yourself busy and stay out of trouble :) bye!
First, make sure you learn everything possible about financial aid. It is good for your parents to be involved at first; however, this is the beginning of the rest of your life. It is important to know about the financial aid process and to get involved with your own financial decisons. Moreover, I would advise that you apply for as many scholarships as possible. Tuition is not cheap and the money adds up quick. You will be glad you did it after graduation. Another helpful money and time managment tip is in reference to commuting vs. living on campus. If you are planning on going to school more than 45 minutes from your home I recommend that you live on campus. When you live far from campus it makes for an expensive commute and it also takes up valuable time. If you need to live at home then try to find a closer school. Last but not least, take caution in spreading yourself too thin. Extra-curricular activities are great for social net-working and healthy living; however, take it slow. Give yourself plenty of room, and the chance to discover what your personal interests trully are before committing yourself.
One thing is for sure; I would have prepared myself better. I'm not talking about getting ready for the workload or the professors that preach to you for two hours without stopping, that I could handle. What I didn't anticipate was how hard it was to fit in. After years of having the same friends, the same routine, I was use to the way things were. If I could go back I would tell myself to branch out and stop being so shy. I would have encouraged myself to maybe be more involved in class discussions. However, that may not have even worked. More than likely I would have told myself to go to a different college, one that I already had friends at to make the transition from being at home to being on my own a whole lot easier.
I would tell myself to really do all the scholarships I see and recieve information on, and to go look and keep on looking for many different scholarships, and to then just keep applying for as many as possible, because college really isnt cheap at all. I would tell myself to do and be involved in more extracurricular activities, especially more community services activities, or just anything that looks good on applications because that really comes in handy when applying for just about anything, especially jobs. I would also tell myself to concentrate in class more and actually try to remember and not forget the thing I learn. I also would tell myself to read more books, read the more important types of literature. All in all I would tell myself to seriously get started early on taking my SAT and ACT tests and just getting ready for college as a whole.
If i had a chance to go back in time i would better preapre fo college by taking as many college credit classes, in which most of the time are free. Another thing i would do is to try to have the best grades possible because some schools give scholarships according to your GPA, the better youor GPA is the more financial aid they will give you. I would also manage my time more wisely and not be procastinator.
I would tell myself to go out and experience as much as you can. The good the bad and everything in between.
try for the 4.0 the first semester that will set the pace for your next 3 years and open doors for lots of opportunity the next year
If I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to have fun! Of course you must go to class and keep up with your assignments-it's the only way to be successful at this university. Go to study groups and get involved in activities that interest you. When you first arrive at your new university it may seem like nobody is like you, but the only way to be sure is to actually go out and meet new people. Don't stay in your dorm room because the time goes by too fast to miss out on anything. You will make life-long friends while you are in college, but you should also be careful not to trust everyone. People are attending this university that have grown up very differently than you have so be aware of that and know who you really are so you won't lose sight of that. Be yourself and everyone else that matters will follow you and help you succeed in whatever you might end up doing in the future!