Schreiner University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Schreiner University know before they start?


Learning how to be independent can be scarey sometimes, but it can also be fun. Keep a positive outlook on everything you do whether it's making a quick desicion such as, "Do I really have enough money to spend on coffee right now?" or even bigger desicions such as, "What should I major in?" and " What do I want to do with my life?" Take life a day at a time and don't stress yourself out. Everything will come together in the end, but in the meantime continue to work hard and do what you love. Once you discover what you love to do, do it! And show others why it's so great! If you love to paint, paint an amazing mural for the world to see. We were all created to learn and grow together and to share our talents and passions with one another. Keep believing in yourself and in what you love to do, even if no one else does; because you will make a difference and impact someone someday. Growing as a person indepedently and learning how to help and work with others will make you successful in any college career.


I would tell myself that it is important to see how many classes the school offers. I would suggest that they live on campus at least for their first year to exprerience the dorm life and bonding with your classmates. Also be very careful about how many loans you are taking out and apply for as many scholarships as you can. Schreiner makes it easy to apply for as many scholarship as you can. Choose to eat on camus instead of spending money off campus, and be careful about spending habits in general. If you have a low attention span i suggest you go to a school that has small class sizes to help keep you interested. And school comes first above all other activities you can do on campus. it may be easy to skip class but it is not benifical and is simply a waste of your money.


I never developed good study skills in high school because of all the repetition we did during class time. So coming into college I had to learn what it really meant to study for the first time and it was pretty difficult. I wish that I could tell myself how different the academics are once you get to college. I also would tell myself to be fearless when it comes to meeting new people in those first couple of days. Don't be afraid to approach someone that may be different from the people you knew in high school. They are the ones that are going to make you into a well rounded person and provide you with perspectives that can turn your way of thinking upside-down.


Go somewhere where you can just be yourself. Finding a place that builds it's foundations on what you believe and stand for is key, because being somewhere where what you strive for is not a common goal is difficult; so get your priorities straight before making a choice. Because once you are here, you can really step back and see what you want to stand for; what can stay and what needs to go. So, having a place that will help you step back and see that perspective, then act on the changes you want to make is vital to growth. Because, a choice based on parties, sports, and money are empty and will change rapidly; go somewhere where you will love to wake up everyday, no matter how hard the course-load may be. Because at the end of the day, it should matter how YOU feel on the inside; that's really the only thing that counts for anything.


I would tell myself to get into some more honors classes than what I originally took. Also, I would have gone and done more volunteer work too.


Go to class and really try.Spend time learning and enjoying the opportunity set before me.Decide up front to work hard and put the time in to be prepared each day. To explore different fields of study and to work at the classes that are not necessarily fun. To not give up when it gets really tough. Don't focus only on athletics. To be friendly to everyone and meet as many different people as possible. To join a service organization and give to the community. To strive for excellence in class and outside class. To establish a strong network of like minded and focused students to help me keep the focus. To actually understand the value of knowledge and understanding. To thank my parents for all they sacrificed to get me to this point and to appreciate this opportunity. Understand that there is plenty of time to find a mate and get married. To understand that drinking and partying is a dead end street and a huge waste of money and time. Spend a lot of time on my knees thanking God and praying for wisdom.


If I could go back in time and give myself advice about college I would tell myself that college was not going to easy. College is completely different from high school because there is no way you can pass an exam without studying. In college you have to take on the responsibilty of attending class, setting aside time to study, and putting in all your effort into assignments. You have to put in the work and be a hundred percent dedicated to school. Sometimes classes can get tough, your stress level will be full force, and all you will want to do is give up. I would advise myself to keep your head up and don't lose focus. There is an answer to everything and all you have to do sometimes is look in an unexpected place. Be prepared to fight with your roommate over the simplist issue like toilet paper and don't over complicate the little things. Find prodictive ways to relieve stress and and most importantly always get enough sleep.


Seeing myself back in time would be horrible because it would totally ruin the space time continum thing for sure. If it didn't though, I would defintely tell myself to learn how to study, and study as much as possible,for it will save your life.


If I could go back in time to my Senior year I would tell myself a lot about my college life today. I would sit down with myself and tell myself to really think about my future before I make a decision on the first try. To over rethink about going to school in Iowa and stay in Texas and attend Schreiner University like I should have. I would remind myself to think smart about money issues and to always remember the reasons why I am going to attend College. I would remind myself to always strive for my best and to never give up, so that I could be the first person in my family to Graduate from College.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would definitely start planning for college a lot earlier than I originally did. Neither of my parents went to college, so both of them and I were a little unsure of the process. I also would not have declared a major during my freshman year of college. I think if I would have waited it would really allowed myself to find a field that I was truely interested in.