The fall 2020 acceptance rate for South Plains College is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
First of all, college is not what you expect it to be. College requires alot of studying and staying on top of your grades. It is not as easy as high school, nor do you always know where you stand gradewise like you do in high school. You have to be able to figure out what your grades are on your own and be able to be prepared each day you come to class. Being prepared is the best key, you never know when you might have a pop quiz or a test that day. Take very good notes this will help when studying. Always go to class, try not to miss a day, because you will fall far behind. Get to know your professors, they are there to help you not be your enemy. I can not emphasize this enough study, study, study and make more time for school. If you do all of this you should do just fine.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
There is nothing wrong with the school itself, but there is one thing I sometimes wish was different. That is the town itself. I sometimes with there was more to do, or more places to go besides just staying on campus all day everyday.
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What's unique about your campus?
The best thing about my school is to help me be a better student than before. I can have a better job that pays good money.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
South Plains College is best known for the staff and professors here at South Plains, that provide a learning envirornment that is helpful to every college student who attends this college. Each class that each student takes, allows that student to understand the importance and learning for the class, that way the student may use it towards thir major and or for their knowledge in the future. The campus allows students to get a feel for what a college experience is all about, including a average size campus and dorms and housing to give a feel of how college works.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
So far South Plains has been unique because of how willing the teachers are to help the students. If I have a question or if im confused about the material i can email my teacher or even go talk to them about it during their office hours. I have friends that attend Tech and they tell me stories about having professors who just dont care and dont want to help.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
Before attending this school, I wish I would have known how many students were enrolled at South Plains College. I wish I would of known other programs that I could have gotten involved with, especially concerning the Gateway program that is linked with Texas Tech University. I wish I had the chance before arriving at South Plains, that I could have gotten the chance to personaly meet the student body and my professors before hand. The supplies that were needed for each class would have been helpful to know that way I would have been prepared and ready to attend.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
South Plains is the kibd of college that anyone can attend and excell. As long as they put in effort and apply themselves in all of their classes, anyone can do great while attenting SPC. However, South Plains is known for its science classes. Being a Nursing major, I'd encourage anyone looking for a job involving science to choose SPC.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Someone who is looking to just party and not show up to their classes shouldn't attend this school. Attending class is very critical towards someones grade and proffesors will usually drop a student after four missed classes. Students need to dedicate some of their own time to receive a good grade point average from this school instead of partying.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
South Plains College is located in Levelland Texas. It has two branches in Lubbock Texas that makes it convenient for me to attend. They offer classes where you can earn an associates or get certified in a field.
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Describe the students at your school.
There are many types of students at South Plains. The one's that I've met are the leaders, followers, and comedians. Just make sure that there aren't too many leaders in one room. That's how fights start.
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What are the academics like at your school?
There is something for everybody at my school. If you want to be a teacher, like yours truly, then there is enough there for you. If you want to be an engineer or a musician they have a path for you.
Classes are challenging at times. My teachers really made me think outside the box. The ones that really cared took extra time to help me the best that they could. I really appreciated that...I still hate math though.
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What are the most popular student activities/groups?
Going to the basketball games I think...I was kind of a loner my last two semesters...I'll let you know later.
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What is your overall opinion of this school?
I think that this is a wonderful school to start at. There is a lot to do academically. Socially? Well, I wish there was a little bit more...I'm not really a fan of the anime club and I can't join the Latin club either. But the teachers are great. I just wish I could meet with my teachers before I actually go to class...
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What is the stereotype of students at your school? Is this stereotype accurate?
The pumpkin spice latte girls, the ghetto boys, the nerds, the jocks, the overachievers, and the underachievers. They are all accurate...
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
When i am telling my friends about my school, i usually begin with that South Plains College is the best community college around. They have teachers that get on a first name basis with their students, and actually take the time to insure that their students understand the concepts that are being taught. However, the teachers are not all that is great. South Plains College is also affordable and works with you to get you into class and on your way to a better future. South Plains is commited to their students.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most frustrating thing has to be that there are at least three different advisors for my major and I cannot get a hold of any of them. I go to a school counslor but she know things in general not the specifics I am looking for.
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