I would strongly suggest two things for a student entering college: Number One: Set up a clear degree plan for yourself when you first begin. Do not register for classes because they seem "easy" or because your friends are taking it. This will only cause you to delay your graduation date and waste money at the same time. Number Two: Find out as much information as you can before you begin school about testing programs that can help you graduate earlier (such as CLEP). Getting course credits for taking these tests will nto only help you graduate quicker, they will save you money too.
The advice I would give parents and/or students about finding the right college is to choose the one that would adhere to your needs and would fit your personality. I would recommend that anyone who is looking for a college to attend choose the college that will steer you and the right professional direction and one that will prepare you for future endeavors.
The best advice i can give any student in the selection of a college is to talk to people you that attend the college your looking at to make sure the school is really what you think it is. To make sure you have a great experience try to do everything you can around school as long as your studies don't suffer.
Look for a program that best suits your goals and also let the student decide the school they prefer to attend
The advice I would give parents is to let your student decide for theirselves what they are interested in. Do not make a ultimatum of them going to a 4 year college. Not everyone is cut out for a 4 year college. I rebelled when told I was expected to go. Now 20 years later I am enrolled in a 4 year college, I had to decide to do it for myself and not for anyone else. Support your children in their decision on schools, whether it be a traditional 4 year college or a jr college or even a trade school. Let it be their choice and let them know that you are proud of them.
People who have the opportunity to go to college are probably going to experience the most of their life changes during this time. Therefore, parents and students must take the appropriate measures to ensure that a college education is affordable and appropriate for the student. For some students? there are financial limitations to the university in which they can attend. Universities offer financial assistance in the form of grants, scholarships, and loans. Grants and scholarships? is money offered which does not have to be paid back, unlike loans. Universities differ in the amount of money offered for educational expenditures, which is important to note when planning a college career. Once students? determine financially feasible universities he or she is able to attend they should explore these college campuses. This lets students familiarize themselves with the different universities and the learning environments they provide. Most importantly, students should be honest about their learning preferences and abilities before choosing a university. Emphasis on choosing the location of higher education is vital for each student to achieve all that higher education has to offer. That is the foundation this generation will use to build a future greater than the one inherited.
Make sure you attend a college that you would like to go to, not what your parents want. If youre a shy person dont go to a huge school, maybe attend a local university or do online classes. Also dont go crazy when the rules are taken away, your gpa sticks with you no matter what descion you have made. Be an adult because its time to step up.
As you embark upon the wonderful journey from high school into college, many factors should be taken into consideration for choosing the right school. As a recent college graduate, I can now look back on the decisions I have made and provide others with some useful insight. First, I recommend developing a list of your ?wants? from a college such as out of state location, availability of a certain major, security, active campus life etc. Next, complete research on several schools by applying your list and seeing what each college offers. This allows you to narrow down your options. At this point, you should visit each campus, not only to visualize the surroundings, but also to speak with representatives and other students to gain overall opinions of the school. Lastly, when finalizing your choice, try to disregard the decisions of your peers. In doing so, it opens doors that may not have been available if you just went with the crowd. Make the best of your college years, for is a time of excitement, maturity, independence, and most of all learning. Work effortlessly to achieve your goals and take every opportunity to meet new people?it will fly by!
The most important person's opinion when it comes to finding the right college is the perspective students. Each student should make a list of what they want in a college experience and then go to senior days or have tours and visits to each college they want. Then, make a pro and con list for each college. Of course if parents are paying for the student to go their price limit has to be included, but parents should not try to influence the students decision. If the student decides that college is the best for them then "hoo-ray" for both of you. Choosing the best college is what kicks off making the most of a college experience.
The college experience can best be described by the old cleche` "This is the best years of your life". For me it has been and that is because I made a healthy balance between fun and studying. To achieve that, all that has to be done is use common sense when planning outings. My eldest sister taught me this when I was looking at colleges and now I am proud to pass it on to other that might need help.
9853and be sure to talk with others around the campus and get their opinion. Take your time making a decision. Don't rush into your final decision and go where your heart tells you instead of just listening to others or attend where your friends are going. Be involved as much as possible and keep an outgoing personality to make the most of your college experience.