Keep your eyes open. Listen to students/former students. Talk to professors and staff members.
Find the college that best fits your student academically and financially.
SAVE MONEY! Those are the only two words that are really needed. Save every bit of money that you can beforehand.
Parents, help guide your child into finding the college that works best for them. Don't pressure them into somewhere or something they don't want to do because they will be the ones spending the next four to five years of their lives there. Student's, first make sure the schools offers the degree you want and what others say about that particular department. Then you should also evaluate if you can afford it. Money isn't everything but the stress of not having it could affect your grades and learning. Then look at the kind of activities offered on the campus. If you want to be involved, what do they have to offer. You should also check out the city it is in. Do you even like it. maybe it's too cold or hot for you. Education is important but also want to enjoy it.
Find out as much information about the college/university as possible.
You should find a university that is appealing to you, what sold me with southeastern is that their classrooms have a small amount of students, and the proffessors are always willing to help!
FInd a school that supports what you want to do in life, a school that you can love that has friends while education that supports you. Have fun and enjoy your college life and that is done first by choosing the right college. So and visit during both a school day and a weekend, like a football game or basketball game, it gives you the feel of school spirit and its attitude!
I would tell them that finding the right college is probably going to be one of the most difficult and complicated decisions that they will ever have to face. The reason is that there is no one criterion that makes a college "the best" for any one person. Each school has its own unique qualities that will make it stand out to you but not to someone else. To make the most out of college, I would say to make sure that you truly know why you want to be there and that you really do want to be there. For example, I have met too many people who are miserable with school because they are simply in the wrong major or their parents "made" them go. College isn't for everyone, and you certainly aren't a bad person if you don't go. However after you do find the school and chose your major, don't forget that you are still human and need to have a social life. Take time away from the books every now and then and enjoy life. College life is what you make it!
I would advice students to go out of there comfort zone. While finding a school that is good for you is important, locating college or university that has a sense of diversity is extremely important. Many of your views about people of different ethnicites and religions and other different socialyt groups, will be formed here. You find a place that will allow you to express yourself and enhance your learning in academia and life situations.
Make a list of what is most important to you in a dream college. Take those and the college you are looking at and match them. Then, go on tours of the college. Don't just go by what you have heard. You must see for yourself. Only you know what is the best thing for you. No parent, friend, or teacher can tell you otherwise. And last but not least, don't just settle. If the school costs too much, there is too much money floating around for you to not get financial aid. If it is too far from home, there are vacations and of course telephones.