Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


Dear high school Kyra, congratulations on graduating from high school and choosing to go to college to better yourself! I hope you realize that this is only the beginning, so here are some tips that could make your transition to college way easier. First, be confident in yourself and everything you have to offer. You will have to interview for internships, study abroad opportunities and extracurricular activities, so learn what makes you special and highlight it. Second, when applying for scholarships choose quality over quantity. While it may be tempting to rush through every scholarship before the deadlines, instead focus on a few at a time and do them excellently. Third, build positive relationships with employers, professors, mentors, community service leaders or anyone who can validate your character and achievements. Fourth, when oppotunities present themselves, just apply. You never know you could be the exact candidate they are looking for, so never talk yourself out of it. Fifth, familiarze yourself with college fees such as health insurance fees that could be waived and make tuition cheaper. Sixth, keep a planner for important deadlines and events, stay organized! Seventh, save copies of your work. Eighth, study hard but have fun!


High school can only prepare you for so much when it comes to college. In high schoool I did not have to study very hard, things came to me almost naturally so I had a terrible study ethic. As soon as a got to college I realised that if you dont study or read the assigned material you will become way behind everyone else. I had to learn to study and actually write down my homework to remember it because it was so much at one time. I also had to learn to keep a calendar not just for homework but for class times, volunteer work, and campus activities. If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself "Jazmyn you need to learn how to be organized, write down homework and actually do it. You also need to learn how to study and make sure you stop procrastinating because it feels so much better to have everything done in advance than to be worrying about what you still have to do."


Oh darling, you will make it. Stop screaming to the sky. You will get to Spelman. Your tears are now messing up your make up. The scholarships may hurt; paper cuts on your fingers, bags under your eyes, more tears on your cheeks than words in the essay, but you will make it. I know the fear is crippling, but keep fighting for your dream. Spelman is the love of your life. Even though you will have to continue the scholarship process once you arrive, you will make it. You will walk through Spelman’s ebony gates; you will sing it joyful song, “Spelman, thy name we praise”! Let the weight of financial insecurity and family disappointment drop from your shoulders. You will make it. I know the strength inside of you and you now must believe it too, for faith and hard work are your only funds. I know you have what it takes because I need to recall it myself. I have returned to the financial aid mountain. But I know, now writing to you that all will be alright. You will make it!


Knowing what I know now, I would tell myself to not worry as much. I worried so much my senior year of highschool and freshman year of college. I did not really take a second to enjoy the transition of going into college. I have now learned to enjoy every moment because it all goes by quickly. Things are not going to work out the way I always want them to, but everything really does happen for a reason. I cannot imagine not being at Spelman College, even if I tried to fathom it. I have grown so much, intellectually, emotionally and consciously. This is why I have chosen to be in public policy. I believe what I have gained in my courses and in many experiences will be important in changing/affecting policy.


Dear Future Me, Make sure that you balance your social and academic life responsibly, because it is very easy to get off of track. Time management is an essential aspect in surviving at a prestigious college such as Spelman. You will be challenged by teachers, the course load of work, and the intensity of various assignments. However, this is only a method to benefit you and enhance your skills. Also, do not judge or stray away from topics you're unfamiliar with. Keep an open mind. You will learn a lot of new ideas from around the world and be well rounded. Community service is imperative and participating within school organizations will aid you in adjusting to the college lifestyle. The most importanat thing is to APPLY FOR SEVERAL SCHOLARSHIPS!!!!! You will need them all!!!! Try not to stress too much and remember to keep God first.


If I could go back in time and speak with my high school self, I would give her a lot of helpful advice about college and what to expect. I would first tell her to get more involve with high school extracurricular activities. I would tell her that because it gives her more practice with dealing with other people in a semi-professional way and to learn how to network with others. I would also tell her to that she has four years to experience college so she does not have to do everything fun and party everyday her first year at college. Lastly if would tell her that hard work will pay of so those long nights and stressful days her senior year will allow her be more studious and better prepared for college and its work load.


Work hard now. You don't know what you want to do with your life and you have the ability to take classes that will exempt you from classes you have to take later on. That will allow you to take more classes that may help influence what you want to do for a career. Also, do more community service. Work with people who are less fortunate. It will open your eyes and help you become the person you truley are/always hoped you would be.


I am a first generation college student. I wish that I would have asked more questions to current college students. I went into college blind. I did not know that textbooks were expensive. I also entered college with an arrogant attitude. I graduated second of my class, I was Prom Queen, Class President, I had my own apartment, and I was an internship at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. I did not know that everyone at Spelman had similar credentials. I did not the different between high school teachers and course work and college professors and course work. I did not know Spelman's grading scale and I felt insecure about my academic abilities. I wish I was confident and could redo first semester. I sat in class and did not know what was going on and did not attend office hours. I ended first semester with the worst grade point average of my life. I wish I would have taken full advantage of my education and each of my professor's knowledge. Now, I am struggling to boost my GPA, so I can apply for organizations, scholarships, and internships.


I would definetly tell myself not to slack off. I took several AP classes and I started strong, but I lost steam throughout the year. The slack I took senior year, travelled into my freshman year, and it reflected in my grades. Also, I would get into even more extracurriculars so I could get used to having a full schedule. Lastly, I would have told myself to apply earlier, and fill out more college applications and scholarships because that is not something you want to be worried about while in school.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself, I'd say that the hard times will only last a short while. I would tell myself that the temporary stress from having to prioritize work and social life and from the late nights studying will all be worth while in the long run. The hard work of right now will allow for a prosperous and successful future. I would tell myself to channel all negative energy into positiviy. Experience as many activities and organziations that I can so that I may discover what I like and dislike. I would tell myself to stand firm in my beliefs because they will keep me on track. I am the architect of my life and even though some things are uncontrollable, I can still control how situations affect me and how I act as a result. I would tell myself that I am filled with light and by investing time to the improvement of myslef and future will allow my light to shine brighter than ever.