Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


I have not attended yet but look forward to learning what it takes to achieve success by using my own abilities and skills to accomplish what it takes to succeed in the real world.


As an Indian-American who has immigrated to the United States, met both financial and medical hardships, the "college experience" has been a truly unique experience for me. Having unsuccessfuly attended two previous colleges, I am currently enroute to graduate from my local community college in a few short days, as well in the process of registering for classes at New York University for the upcoming fall. The college experience for me, has been one of much turmoil and frustration, but as I finally learned the error of my ways and overcame my medical hardships, the experience was turned upside down, for the better. The college I currently attend is an incredible place and is regarded as one of the best community colleges in the US. Here, I have learned much about myself, as well as of others around me. It has helped to develop and guide me towards a seemingly unlikely future career, that previously never crossed my mind. If I could start over, do things different, experience a more traditional college experience, would I? Nope. It has been a truly unique learning experience, without which I would not be where I am, or who I've become today.


I have not yet attended Spelman College; but I know that it will be a valuable experience because it will teach me how to become more responsible, discipline me, and cause me to become more outspoken and confident.


College is the perfect place for transition. Your scope of mind broadens to include things you could not even fathom prior to college. You learn not only about your field of stuidy, but you learn about different cultures and people. You learn abotu what makes you,. well you. You learn what pushes you ove rthe edge, you learn what you excell at, you learn where your faith and morals lie. College is a place where you discover more than what you came from. It gives you a different view of the world and contributes to the person you are becoming. On top of everything, it is just plain fun. The perfect time to do whatever you want before the attack of "real life" comes. By alumni it is referred to as the best times of their lives, and it's totally true. All of it. It's there for you to learn and enjoy.


I have learned that there's nothing I can't do, that there are always people out there to help me as long as I ask, if I don't ask for help, people won't know I need it until I am showing extreme signs of needed help, and that I should give back to and help the community. It has been valuable to attend Spelman College because without the experience I have had, my eyes would not have been as open to the different issues going on in the world and what I can do to help, also it has shown me that I can be a very successful person and it has shown me the steps that I need and can take to make my dream of success come true.


My college experience has afforded me with the pleasure of a liberal art education, as well as the opportunity to meet a very diverse and dedicated group of young men and women. I have learned that I am capable of just about anything I put my mind to, and that no one should strive for anything less than greatness.


From my first year of college at Spelman, I have learned a great deal about giving back to the community. It is a known fact that giving back to the community makes the world a better place but is a life changing experience for the participant and the recipient. It is also a known fact that college requires great tenacity and proactivity.I have learned that nothing is given to anybody, it is earned. So when I wanted membership in an organization, I had to do the application and attend the necessary meetings. When I wanted to achieve a certain grade in a class, I had to do the work, study hard, and earn that grade. It has been valuable to attend Spelman College because I know that the lessons I learned here at Spelman I will not and would not be able to learn anywhere else. In addition to the lessons learned, the sisterhood and network I have gained at Spelman College, I know that no other institution could offer to me like Spelman has and will continue to do.


If I could go back in time I would have a lot of advice for myself. I would start off by letting myself know that time goes by fast and in order to embrace that I would always have to prepared. I would encourage myself to set goals for the short and long term; set academic goals, career goals and personal goals. I would stress the importance of not only setting goals but keeping track of them so that even when I didn't accomplish them I would know where I stand. Aside from warning myself about how quickly time passes, I would fill myself in on Spelman's atmosphere. I would recommend attending all accepted students college-sponsored events to get a greater feel for the people I would be spending the next four years with and have a chance to make friends. I would tell myself that at Spelman the quickest way to move up the ladder is to get involved early. The most important thing I've learned in college is to stay prepared because I never know what opportunities may come my way. I would make sure high-school Nicole knew this.


Involve yourself in high school. Study hard to make the highest GPA possible and strive for an academic scholarship. Research and apply for as many scholarships that you find, education is expensive and so are the books that you purchase each semester. If you work in High School, save your money to purchase the necessary things that you will need which includes a laptop computer with printer. You will have to keep in mind that computer ink is expendable so you will need money to purchase extra cartridges. If you go out of state to a college, consider how to transport all those college items to your dorm, consider how you will get around in the city. Visit your college and know that is where you want to go. Be prepared ask questions and get the answers necessary to make decisions. Know that you will make mistakes, but keep in mind that making mistakes is part of maturity, just don't make the same mistake twice. Lastly, share your thoughts and feelings with your parents, they are your biggest supporters.


Candance you're about to make a pretty big decision. Your choice for undergraduate will help you to go where you want in life. We both know you want to do everything from win the Nobel to working an archeological dig in some remote part of this earth perhaps even universe. You need a college that will give you a strong foundation so you can easily move through whatever career you so choose. Please I beg of you, make your summers count. Get a passport and travel the world; experience all you can. I would suggest a liberal arts school because they offer they strong foundation you need. Make an effort to know where you come from it's really important when you decide where you're going. My last piece of advice is that you give your best no matter what because there are a lot of people watching who are willing to help you succeed.