It is very important to pick the school at which you would feel most comfortable. It would definitely be very helpful to spend a some time on campus with student guides to give a realistic idea of what it's like to attend. Think about the extra-curricular activities you may want to be a part of and see whether or not the school offers them. Also, when visiting the campus, you should see definitely speak with administrative faculty, as well as professors, to get a sense of how available they are and how they approach giving students extra attention. For parents, the best advice would be to support your child's decision no matter what it is, without trying to influence their decision too much. After all, they have to be there for 2 or 4 years so it is very important that they have an experience that is conducive to their success. Both students and parents should be very open minded about the possibilities, there are thousands of colleges in the US, there is one that is perfect for you, you just have to be sure to do your research.
Visit! Hearing about the school and seeing pictures is nothing like BEING there. If a visit is not feasible, try to make arrangements to speak to someone who has gone to the school in recent years. If possible, talk to several people- students, professors, administrators.. whoever you can get in touch with. These people will give you a feel for the school as well. If possible- and if offered, attend any pre-semester sessions for new students so that you can experiance the environment before making a final decision. Lastly, go with your gut! If all else fails, follow your heart. Whether it means leaving home or paying a little extra- if it feels right, go for it. :)
"Once upon a time" is a phrase that begins most fairy tales and "happily ever after" is another that usually ends them. Going to college is only the beginning of most happily ever after's but the experience is what makes it all worth while. Anyone can go to college and graduate but it is the person who values each day and take every lesson as a learning experience that will truly enjoy thier college experience. Do not be afraid to try new things or step out of your comfort zone because this is the time to live and let go . With my experience, my family and mentors wanted me to leave the state and change my first choice but I felt that there was no need to leave. There are excellent schools where we live and not only am I satisfied with my decision, I realized that staying has granted me more opportunities that I would not have received had I went anywhere else. As the student, I say follow your heart because only you know what your happily ever after consists of and you can not reach it living according to someone else's plan for your life.
When trying to choose a college I would advise a student to look at the atmosphere of the school as well as its opportunities. I think an ideal atmosphere would be one that is stimulating and challenging, one that is just beyond a student's comfort zone. That way it will force the student to branch out and grow. Going to a college that is too comfortable often leaves a student in her upperclassman years looking for more. Diversity is also a very important aspect to look for in a school. Diversity in student population provides the upcoming freshman with an opportunity to meet people with a wide variety of outlooks and backgrounds and also gives her the chance to find people she truly connects with. Diversity in academics gives the student options which are especially important for the many high school students who are unsure of exactly what field of study they would like to pursue. A huge variety of majors, classes, and subjects is really ideal for incoming freshmen who need the chance to explore and investigate their interests. And finally diversity of opportunities really enriches the college experience and helps students take action and get involved.
I would tell parents that a good education can not be based on the tuition amount but rather the reputation of the school. When choosing a school it is important to discover if they offer the major that your child is interested in, find out the class sizes, and the graduation rate. Whether or not the school has a high rating in preparing their students for the buisness world. For example, I want to be a doctor, so I made sure to choose a school that had a great Pre-med program. Spelman is also number two in sending women to medical school. I think a lot of parents become caught up with the bill instead of the quality.
The advice I would give parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to do a lot of research about the schools you have chosen as an individual and as a family, to select several colleges, to apply for as much financial aid, scholarships, and grants as possible,and in a timely manner. Always have a backup plan, or two,or three. Visit as many of your chosen colleges as you can. Network with family friends, relatives, and alumni of your chosen colleges as often as possible, as they may have some insight and connections that you may not have investigated or have access to. Start early in your selecting and prep work, and in doing so, you will be able to make calm and rational decisions, and you just may enjoy the experience afterall !
Picking the right college is not always as easy as comparing national ranking, alumnae success stories or the best financial aid package. At the end of the day, if you are willing to make the right decision, it is about where your heart guides you. Picking the right college entails choosing the school that has the academic program, social environment and heritage that best suites you and will encourage your growth. Once you have matriculated into the college of your choice, the best advice I could give you is to never limit yourself. Even though your study habits may have to improve because of the transition from high school to college ,it does not mean that you don?t have every capability to excel. Register for classes that intrigue you. Push yourself to join extra curricular activities that will nurture your interests and challenge you to make a difference . Engage with people you wouldn't normally talk to, engage with them for the sake of learning. Hold fast to your integrity and leave room for personal development. Your college experience is entirely your own. That is precisely why your heart should be invested in making the right decision.
It is important in the process when looking for colleges that parents and students consider what their dreams are and have been. It is important to at least have an idea of this because it helps the student to first know what kind of school based on major or interest they would like to attend. If the student does not really know then look for a college that best fit your personality, who you are now and what you aspire to be. When attending college it is important to feel comfortable and be surrounded with individuals who are going to be a support for you as an individual and your growth. Also make sure the school fits your preferences for what you would believe the best environment is for you. The key thing to remember is that no one knows you better than you. Trust your instincts and above that your heart. Do not let finance be your determining factor but your supporting factor because where there is a will there is a way. Trust God, yourself and dream big.
A college should be a semi-reflection of oneself. I choose Spelman because of its repetition of producing women who change the world. Spelman is a selfless school and motivates its students to give back into the community while making the most out of the academic curriculum. College is more than just getting a degree. It is what you do in the process of getting that degree that matters most. Narrow your college choices to five and visit those intuitions, unannounced. Therefore, one can see what the college is really like. Sit in the classrooms, visits the departments, speak to professors, this is what they are there for. Once you find your place of connection, take advantage of every opportunity there is. Network with everyone you come in contact with. Your college experience is what you make it. Parents should assist and be a form of support. However, they must let go and allow their children to make decisions for themselves and be a guide. Lastly, always remember the purpose of attending college is to get an education. Do not get caught up in the various social activities. They will be their once you finish that paper and degree.
Be true to yourself in your search and also when you get to school. Do not choose the school that will please your parents or impress your friends, teachers, or family. College is definately a time when you have to grow up and make decisions for yourself. You will not be happy if you are not true to who you are, and you will find it hard to motivate yourself if you are not doing what you truly want to do.