Visit the school and keep an open mind when you go off to school
The best advise that I can share with parents and students is to choose a college that will best prepare your child for their professional and intellectual futures. Students, college is not only about partying and having fun, your undergraduate career sets the tone for the remainder of your life. Take school seriously and remain focused because if you work hard now you will be able to play hard later. Also, get involved and try to find organizations that will boost your resume and career plans. Find out what environment suits you better, whether that be a smaller and more intimate class setting, or a larger less engaging setting. The choice is yours, so take advantage of a great opportunity.
Pray and experience life for yourself. College is a time for exploration and a time to make mistakes, but most importantly learning from them.
Allow your child to pick a school they think best suits them. Be supportive! Also, expect the ups and downs of college. Never abandon you child no matter what the situation may involve.
To students I would suggest first writing down the colleges they are interested in based on location, size, relation to the major they intend to pursue, as well as tuition cost. After reviewing this list, comprising of maybe 3-6 schools, schedule campus tours, or visits that allow you to visualize a day in the life of a student. When you visit, make sure to stop by your major department, financial aid, housing, and any other department you might be interested in. After going through this process for all the schools you have listed, sit down and compare them all. Did they meet/exceed your expectations? Is the school too big? Don't be afraid to really analyze the school; you'll be paying for it.
For parents, I would suggest that going along with your child on college tours, and sitting down with them when comparing all the schools. Don't push them to make a decision, but be understanding of their choice. However, make sure campus security is to your standards, as well as academic departments and financing. Discuss this with your child. This should be a fun experience and is an important stage in their life.
please when you do look, look at more than one option and also look at the prgrams vields activity envrioment and see if it fits you and only you dont expect nothing out of it just take it one day step at a time. and remmber to have fun!
It is important to view what elements in a school system are suitable for the student. Students vary in wants and needs in an educational and social enviornment. Careful revision and planning when selecting schools is therefore imperative. When a student is placed in an environment that suits his/her ability to learn and socialize effectively, this is translated into positive outcomes in terms of personal growth, attaining knowledge and gives more room for achievements.
Go somewhere that is affordable to you!