Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


Young adults have so many opportunities to be successful in life. One of the best routes to success is through a college education. Nowadays it is difficult enough to get a job without a college degree. Once a college degree is obtained, an individual is much more competitive for the workforce. A college education not only gives the academic background for the workforce, but college also allows room for social growth. As a college student there are many opportunities that allow a student to exercise their prospective career goals, through internships and volunteer opportunities. College students also have the opportunity to take a small step away from home without completely being on their own all at one time. College is where you will be with the most people who are trying to obtain the same goal, a college degree. College is also a time for personal growth and development, which is why everyone should get the opportunity to attend. Once undergraduate studies are complete, individuals can go onto higher learning in order to accomplish even more, which is why college is just a stepping stone to even greater success.


I think when it comes to picking a college, one shoulod choose a college they will feel comfortable at, one that represents who they are and who they are trying to be. After all college is like a home away from home a place that is going to guide you to the business world. How can you possible learn if you are not comfortable in your learning enviroment.


The most important part about find the right college is first knowing what kind of enviroment that you could see yourself living in for the next four years of your life. The college that you choose should be in an eviroment in which you can see yourself studying, making friends, and maturing in. It is a great idea to visit a few campuses to get a feel for what kind of school fits you; whether you excell in small or large classrooms, etc. While "party schools" are fun try not to choose a school that will compromise your character; you are not sent to school to major in "clubing 101". College is going to be the best time of your life and you should enjoy every cent of the tuition that your parents are paying for; but not before your work is done.


Make sure you attend a college that won't change your values, that stands for what you believe in in their mission statements, provides the platform/ arena that allows you to learn and make lifelong friends. One thing that is most important, make sure that there are a lot of companies/ firms that actively recruit at your school. And find someone who attends your prospective school and get their honest feedback.


Before you and your child make that decision on college, I advise you to visit different college campuses because that experience may change your outlook onschools and maybe even change your choice of colleges. Also, do not just apply to schools near home; apply to schools out of state. These school may have better resources and academic programs than the schools at home. Apply for scholarships during the beginning of your senior year and continue to apply for college monies until you exhausted all your chances to obtain money. Make the best out of college, because your college experience will be one of the best experiences of your life. Work and play hard.


In order to find the right college, it is necessary to be committed to research. As a prospective student one should make a list of the values, activities, and goals that are important in life. Once a list is composed, review multiple college choices by viewing their websites. Although all information regarding the college is not available online, there is often enough to give an idea of what the college is about and the beliefs and values that make the college unique. If what you find is not compatible with what you are looking for, continue the search. After finding colleges or universities that seem to work well with your wants, make an effort to visit the physical campus. By visiting the actual campus you are able to get a feel of the diversity, student life, services, and overall community within the college. By visiting multiple campuses you are able to better understand the differences between each school, which in turn advances your ability to choose the perfect school for you.


My advice to prospective college students is to make sure that they know who they are, protect their name and reputation, study hard, and do your absolute best in whatever you do. We are living in a historic moment when people of all backgrounds are able to persue any goal or aspiration that they may have. I encourage students to take advantage of this time and reach limits beyond expectations. I urge parents to become actively involved in their children's lives and education and be supportive in their children's decisions. Without the loving and caring support from family members, students become vulnerable and are less likely to succeed. Finding the right college is also important for the student's development. I encourage students to go on college tours and do extensive research on instituitions and the people who are products of it. This will ensure that the student will be comfortable and will not have a hard time adjusting. In closing, the keys to a successful college experience is hard work, self-determination, a supportive family, and a will to change the world.


To prospective college students, Allow those around you at whichever college/university you find yourself in the chance to enlighten you on life's possibilities- because they are endless. Though your peers are your equals, you all have something to offer one another through your unique and unmatched life experiences. Let your senses guide you through your first match in life's competition. Whether you participate in campus activities or find friendships that you may not have had the opportunity to share in high school, these are all means of making friends for a lifetime and potential opportunities for the future. I want you to challenge yourself inside and outside of the classroom and apply as much of your newly acquired knowledge as possible. Your admitance to college is the key to your discovery, but it is up to you and contribution of your greatest influences to walk down the path of your choosing and unlock the door to the potential that awaits you. Good luck!


I would recommend looking for a place where you or your child would feel most comfortable. I would also suggest looking at the statistics associated with the school, such as graduation rate, drop out rate, and what the graduates do after leaving. Even if you don't have an idea of what your major will be, it is necessary to look at the majors offered to see if the school offers what you are or might be looking for. Another important thing to do is to visit the campus and maybe even review the history of the school. Visiting the campus will allow you to see if you can envision yourself there, experience what it would be like to walk from one class to the next, and possibly observe how other students interact. If you plan on living on campus, visiting would also allow you to see how the dorms are kept and if you would really want to live there. Parents and students should also look at the neighborhood surrounding the school. Taking the time to look around could help decide if the campus is safe enough for you to attend. Take your time and make a conscious decision.


Find the right college for you, not the college others want you to attend. College is a very important step; and by making the decision to apply is a wonderful first step to your future, but the most important step is making the right choice. The choice should not be based on the social life of the campus, how many of your friends are going to a specific school, or how many males and females attend that school. Making a college choice is one of the first adult decisions you will have to make and that's what college is all about. College is about making you the adult you want to be. Choose one based on how you see your future. Choose a college based on your strengths and interests, a school that emphasize who you are and the adult you want to become, and a school that can offer you what you need to persevere. Research different schools and don't limit yourself to particular schools. Its like shopping for a new car, you want something reliable that will get you where you need to go. Choose a school that will get you where you need to go.