Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


The best advice I could give myself would be to be more prepared and make a better effort to socialize with people. The thing about college is that you are on your own. I would advise myself to have learned how to do things such as laundy, and cooking. Also, to familiarize myself with financial aid and other procedures. First come, first serve is really difficult for a girl like me. I would also advise myself to ask more questions and get to know people. I'm generally shy, but the only way to know things are to meet people is to speak up. So Shanika, just relax and have fun and keep your priorities in line. It's college, but it only happens once.


If I could go back to my senior year, I would advise myself to take applying for college scholarships more seriously. College is very expensive and private schools do not award as much money as public school. You get the education you pay for in my opinion. I wanted a private school setting and I wanted to attend an all girls college because not having guys in a classroom makes it easier to learn and voice female opinions; because I wanted these attributes, I chose Spelman. Spelman's tuition however is expensive and there would have been a lighter burden on my family and myself as a low-income family to put me through college. We have struggle to maintain paying tuition; however, I am still fortunate enough to attend Spelman College.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as as high school senior, the most crucial piece of advice that I would offer, would be to establish personal morals and values. Before an individual enters college, I feel it is highly important to realize ones self worth. It is imperative to create certain self standards that he or she will most likely hold on to until departing the earth. Knowing what I know now, I would alert the high school replica of myself that there will arise multiple opportunities to neglect morals. I would then suggest the notion to turn away from those temptation, and remember that an indvidual's future is most important; a good reputation is essential to success.


Keep going. Although everyone around you seems to be having the greatest time and you feel like your world is tumbling down around you, don't get discouraged because the work that you are putting in now, will definitely pay off soon.


Determination. Despite what college you attend or what your major is, in college you need the virtue of determination. You will be responsible for handling financial obligations, waking yourself up on time, attending interest meetings,and networking. In order to succeed in an environment where you have all of these responsibilities and desire to have fun, you need to be determined to succeed. Passion. Many students believe that college is about getting a degree to make money. However if you are not passionate about the degree program you are in or your career goals, the work and the time will seem burdensome. Students need to majorin something that they like studying. The last virtue you need to succeed in college is honesty. This includes being honest in relationships with peers, faculty members, and organizations, as well as academically. College coursework can be very intense, however cheating in college can be detrimental to your success. Determination, passion, and honesty can take you a long way in college!


I would tell my younger self not to procrastinate when fililng out college applications and scholarships and to relax, because the years spent in undergraduate studies at Spelman College will be some of the best you ever experience.


Calm down, you were destined for greatness, you have always known that. Now it is up to you to make this happen, to believe in yourself and to show the world what you are made of. To get there, however, you really need to apply for scholarships or this will not be a pleasant experience for neither you nor your mom. Let me reiterate for you, GET UP AND APPLY APPLY APPLY!!! That will be the only way. Make good habits about scholarships also because you will have to continue to do them throughout the next year, and more. Learn to manage your time; don't let senioritis follow you into college because you are in the real world now. Make sure you chose your place of study wisely, not in your room, and dedicate at least an hour of study at night to the class you have the next day. Pick your friends wisely, and don't be desperate for the newness and attention. Boys will definitely come and go, because as someone told you ?the same boys that go to high school, also go to college." Lastly, stop stressing about college. You will surely achieve great things Zuri.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would advise myself not to take my education for granted. I would enlighten myself on the importance of college and finishing my degree to ensure my future. I'd also inform myself of the many opportunities and different educational devices set in place to assist me on my journey to success. Finally, I'd show myself the importance this educational opportunity would have on my future daughter, and how much of a role model to my family and community I would serve as.


If I were able to return as a high school senior and speak to myself about my first semester as a freshman there would be so much I would tell myself. The very first thing I would tell myself is to make sure I enjoy each and every day I have with my friends before we go off in our own directions. Being in college I probably have gotten to reconnect with my dearest friends on two accounts at most. I miss them extremely much. I would give anything to go back to the days I could visit them on a daily basis, but people grow up and must move on. Next, I would tell myself to carefully consider each and every aspect of the college I consider myself attending in the fall. I do enjoy being here at Spelman, although if I had the option I would opt to go to a cheaper public university. I came to Spelman College in order to have greater opportunities of networking after college, although while being here I have realized you cross extraordianary people when and where you least expect to. The days fly by, just cherish each openly as it comes.


Knowing what I know now about Spelman College and having been acclimated to Spelman College now for a whole semester, if I could go back in time and speak to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to stress less. All throughout highschool I stressed so much in hopes of being accepted to Spelman College, and now that I am here and know all the stress was not neccessary, that is the only thing I would indeed go back and tell myself. Being that I was in AP & IB & Honors courses, the stress came naturally to all my peers and I; however, it was not truly unneccessary. Conclusively, I would tell myself "TAKE A BREATHER Ashley, IT'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT. LIFE GOES ON." Other than that, I have no regrets, and would not change all that happened senior year for anything!