I would give them one very improtant piece of advice which would be to stay true to yourself. There are so many different groups of people at college and in an attempt to fit in you may be tempted to change yourself to please others. This is the worst thing you could do. While changing yourself to make others happy, you will eventually be upseting the one person that really matters, yourself.
I often wonder what I would do different if given the chance to make the transition from highschool to college a second time. If I could advise myself on this second transition I would stress the importance of summer internships, clubs , organizations and networking with the students with whom I share my college experience. Summer internships would help me gain experience in my major field and better prepare me for the workforce when I exit college. Internships also help when deciding on a career path, and if taken before graduation, there is still time to change majors. I would then advise myself to join clubs and organizations because it is import to diversify my interests and take on leadership positions. Gaining leadership experience in college when I have access to the advise of supportive and experienced professors and advisers, will propel me quickly up the career ladder. The final piece of advice I would give myself is to network with my fellow students and advisers. It is important to keep in touch with the connections I make in college because I may need the guidance of an adviser, or the support of a friend in a similar field of study.
Save so much money becuase college cost a lot more than people tell you. There are so many hidden fees and costs such as technology fees and cost surrounding books and social activities. Also, plan ahead so that procrastination will no longer be the thief of time. Time management is crucial.
If I was a high school senior, I would tell myself to go with your gut instincts!!! Dig deep in your heart and soul and make your decisions based upon what is best for you. Start earlier in applying for scholarships, it will take the head-ache and heart-ache off your parents later on. Make sure you read the fine print with everything you complete and turn in. Enjoy senior year, but its ok to work a little more than you want to, the money may be worth it in the end. Do not become discouraged and never give up. You are special and everything that goes on in your life happens for a reason. Every heart-break, disappointment, and what you may think is a disaster happens for a reason. It helps to shape and mold you into what you are and what you will become. Take a deep breath, don't stress, and relax. What does not kill you only makes you stronger, and you are a strong woman. Hey! You're an Everett mixed with a little Barksdale! Enjoy your school year it only happens once!
I would tell myself to go with my heart and attend fashion school right after high school. I wish I would have done things a whole lot differently in relation to my major area of study as well as financially. So, I would also tell myself to watch how much money I borrow to fund my education and to apply for more scholarships. The less money I have to borrow, the less stress I have on my chest in terms of repaying student loan debt. Lastly, I would tell myself to strive for a much higher SAT score as that can be a key factor in getting more scholarships, grants, etc. for college.
As a high school student I was always focused and driven. My senior year I took numerous Advanced Placement and Honors courses. My transition from high school to college was fairly easy. The courses I took in high school prepared me for the strenuous labor load that I encountered in college. I would not would anything to change about my transition from high school to college. If I had to go back and talk to myself as a high school student, I would just offer myself encouragement. I would however, make sure I tell myself not to wait until the last minute to get work done, but I am sure that the younger ?me? would not listen. I would also tell myself about the importance of scholarships and financial aid. I did not realize how expensive college would be! Nevertheless, I would offer myself very little insight on college social life because a major part of the college experience is learning. Coming into college as an unknowing freshman allows for that learning process to happen. Everything that I have experienced taught me a lesson about life and I would not want to change any of those experiences.
Don't take freshman year for granted. It still counts!
Be prepared for people different than yourself. very Wealthy people
As I begin to reflect back on my senior year in high school, I see that I could have made a tremendous effort to challenge myself with higher level courses outside of my institution. Though I graduated as saludatorian of my class, I still felt a bit unsure as to how I would do, academically, my first year at Spelman College. My high school, City University school of Liberal Arts, in Memphis Tennessee, was specifically created to prepare students, currently attending low-performing schools, for college: academically, socially, and through leadership. While attending City University, I believed that I was, indeed, being prepared for the next journey of my life in all these areas; however, it was not until my first encounter with my pre-caluculus course during my first semester did I realize that my preparation was not enough. So, now when I look back, I consider what I could have done, as far as challenging myself to take more rigorous courses for my success as a college student. In all, my advice to myself would have been to take the extra step to preparing for a bright future.
Always finish your work. Do not slack off at the end. That can be the worst thing you can do to your grades, and ultimately your GPA. Also, look for the Gates Scholarship!! It could change your entire college experience, specifically financially. Join NSBE and do not be afraid to participate in those pageants theyre always having.