Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


I would have to say "listen to your dad." I would tell myself to to focus better on what I actually need to get where I am going. Dad and I have had it very rough after the divorce. We have gone without for so long that we learned not to waste time or money on dreaming and hard work is the only real way of acquiring goals. I have watched Dad try hard when he returned to school to get his bachelors degree. I would tell myself to work hard to obtain my degrees now and encourage myself that when I'm done I can give back to Dad what we sacrificed together to make things work. I would tell myself to look more closely at my friend's trials and tribulations regarding school and how their lives are forming because of their decisions. I would reassure myself that my path is correct and will require determination. Dad and I do not have a lot now and he is struggling to find ways for me to acquire my dream and degree so I will tell myself to keep driven, focused, and pray for Dad and I to succeed.


Dear Erika, You are a high school senior now and I understand that everyone wants to be accepted and feel normal, but you can no longer lose yourself in order to fit in. Your truest and greatest friends are those who befriended you when you were yourself. You must accept and love yourself for who you are because you are being a follower. You will never be happy this way and will never make the best decisions for Erika. When you stay true to yourself you will learn so much about who you are and the leader you want to become. Start learning yourself now because there will be many negative influences in college. While transitioning into college you do not want to get caught up in anything that will take your attention away from why you are there and why you will be paying $32,000 a year. Erika, when you are yourself, you will realize that you are an over achieving student who will not let anything prevent you from reaching your dream. You will be able to begin curving out your own unique path in life; a path dedicated to striving for excellence. With Love, Erika Hall


If I could go back to high school to give myself about college I would first tell myself that it isn't all just about partying. The best thing to do would be to focus on my studies. I would also tell myself not to stress about the little things. Everything happens for a reason. Another thing I would tell myself is to expect to stay up late to study sometimes. College isn't easy and it's real life. I would tell myself that people say what you do in high school reflects your future, I would say it's more serious as a college student. The last thing I would tell myself is to be very flexible. It's hard to make plans and stick with them because of the homework. You have to be willing to give some things up, like parties and activities, to work and do homework to live and pass your classes. College has been an awesome experience, but it's not exactly what I've expected.


I would tell myself…..never give up; don’t let one negative comment or word ruin our dreams. Hard work always pays off, when you keep going. I would say there will be times when you just want to throw in the towel and quit, but if we quit, where’s that going to get us? I would tell myself that there will be the non-believers and haters that will try and slow me down, tell me I’m no good and that I will never make it. Then I would have a big smile on my face when I tell my high school self that it didn’t work, that the haters didn’t get to me because I’m here today stronger, educated, older and just a little bit wiser. I would tell myself that we can make it and to always believe in myself.


I would have stayed in high school and learned all I could about getting ready for college. I would have been in as many activities and did a lot of community service work. I would have also started saving for college a lot earier. I would have said keep going keep your head up and everything will work out don't give up..never give up!

Janae Alessandra

If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior knowing what I know now, I would have a lot to say! I would tell myself to enjoy the last year of my high school career, but to buckle down and apply for more scholarships so I won't have to worry so much when it comes time to be a freshman in college. Also I would tell myself to enjoy all freshman year has to offer in a new city but to live by a schedule so my time wold be more efficiently used. I would remind myself that it is hard to come back from a bad GPA freshman year, so take all of my classes seriously. Most of all I would say to focus on being proficient so you can have fun when its time for fun and not have to stress about catching up on work or money.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior I would say to get a 19 or above on math, reading, english, and science so I wouldnt have to take remedial classes. Apply for every scholarship that you qualify for. You dont want to have to pay back money. Start applying for colleges and everything early, so you can be ahead of time and you wouldnt stress out about everything. Stay on top of your FAFSA. Have better communication with schools. Talk to you counselor about college becuase believe it or not, she knows what she is talking about. Just stay calm, get your test scores up, and have communication and you will be more prepared. Have a Plan! Never procrastinate and do everything you can early. Do what is best for you and dont get peer pressured into things like loans that you dont want to have to pay back. Go to the college you want. Stay Positive!


You're finally getting that freedom you always wanted: free from early mornings, household chores, lectures from your parents, but once you walk through the gates of Spelman College, those are the least of your worries. You are no longer under the close-watch and immediate protection from your parents which, as great as it sounds, is undoubtedly the scariest experience you will ever go through. You are now responsible for your own physical safety, financial management, and life decisions. Your typical protocol for friendships and even relationships is no longer the same because in college you encounter people who you may need in the future or people of a nature you've never had to deal with before and it's hard. The complexity of college life is definitely underestimated; changes you may be impatiently waiting for will turn into your worst nightmare if you don't brace yourself for the worst, but it will definitely be the best time of your life! Most importantly, don't forget your parents when you leave home. They were there for you at your lowest - you're not that high up yet.


The advice I would give myself will be is if I really want to succeed that every sacrifice is worth it because the satisfaction you'll receive from a letter grade is greater than a night out with friends. Also, procratinating in college is very different than in highschool. You will fail and teacher have zero tolerance for make-up assignments and tests. Furthermore, I would purchase the course's books before the class begins so, I will start doing the work before it is ask.


I would tell myself to DO SCHOLARSHIPS! I wish I would have listened to my mom, becuase now I am struggling to try and pay my way through college. My mom always told me college was not cheap and that I needed to do scholarships, but I was caught up in the hype of senior year. I thought college money would be handed to me. I have made the ultimate sacrifice such as joining the army to assist me with college money. I wouldn't have had to make such a drastic change in my life had I taken time to fill out scholarships. I am understanding reality and that you can be sent home if you do not have the proper funds to pay for college.