The world and everyone in it makes you feel as though you have to make a decision about your career right now, but you dont. There are so many careers and fields out there that its impossible for you to make a choice, especially one that you'll enjoy. The first step is to know what you love. Think back to your favorite subject in high school. One that you were so passionate about that you found yourself using in your everyday life. Start there. If you are still unsure ,enroll in college as an undecided major. This does not make you a makes you openminded. Be sure to take a science and math class just in case the major you do decide upon requires it. Lastly stay curious and inquisitive. Things in class that peak your interest, be sure to ask your professor about. Join clubs and organizations that may talk about or be involved with that topic. Finally make an effort to stay true to what you love.The worst thing you could do to yourself is major in something simply because the career pays well. It will be torture to yourself to focus in class.
I would have told myself that this was not going to be an easy path and to take life and challenges one day at a time. I would have also told myself to be gentle and forgiving towards myself and to show myself the unconditional love that I desire. I would have told myself that going through rough times makes you appreciate the good times, because life is about looking at circumstances with rose tinted glasses, and seeing the postive in every situation.
Keep calm and trust yourself. If I knew senior year of high school I would be at my #1 college, life would be much less stressful. College life isn't everything it's made out to be in movies and it's not all one big party like they make it out to seem. Doing well in high school is important, but it's not a deal breaker. Community college after high school is doable, and it's very realistic. Don't stress if you don't make a 4.0, because life isn't all about your GPA. Believe in yourself, and you'll succeed.
Knowing what I know now about college life I would tell myself to stay focus until the very end, fill out a ton of scholarships, and be on top of everything. Do not think that your senior year is just a time to have fun and play around because it is really your hardest year in my opinion. Take multiple trips to different college and tour them entirely and really evaluate everything. I would also say go to every dance and event because in the end you will regret it. Do not go to college with same strategies you have now because they will instantly become irrelevant and college writing is a lot different then, the papers you thought you were writing in high school are nothing compared to the criteria expected from you in college.
If I was granted the ability to go back and mentor myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to not believe all the dreams colleges sell you. Spelman sold their student this dream of having the ability to express themselves freely and be accepted for who they are. Spelman promoted the ideas of sisterhood and having our sister’s backs. Spelman also promoted the idea of strong brother/ sister bonds between Spelman and Morehouse Colleges. Most of these ideas were false. Spelman College does not allow students the ability to freely express themselves. They want all of their students to be Christin feminist who love the idea of natural hair. There is a certain way Spelman College wants there students to look and I do not believe that it is fair. I believe I do not fit this stigma. Students at Spelman are really one-sided. They overlook the big picture in every situation. Spelman’s sisterhood is very faulty. The “sisters” only want to help when it is convenient for them. That is the situation with the Morehouse brothers. The brother/ sisterhood is very faulty. Spelman College sells false hope to their perspective students.
I would tell myself to continuously fill out scholarships. College is very expensive so it would make things a lot easier and cheaper if you do the work and just apply for as many scholarships as possible. Also I would tell myself to stay focused especially considering I went to college out of state. There are a lot of distractions such as parties, boys, and other social activities that can deter students from focusing on the main goal, which is finishing college and earning a degree. Lastly I would say, stay open. When venturing out there are going to be a lot of things that my cause you to question your own beliefs and thoughts so it is important to stay open to learning new information even if it may compromise other things you considered to be 'true.'
Assuming that I could go back and speak with myslef about college life , I woudl tell myslef that education is extremely important , listen to your educators , make note of things you dont quite understand. College life is every enjoyable but make sure to take learning serious , dont waste time on things or people that will only hurt you in life . I would also say that education is the key to unlocking doors into some successfull careers, to make the best of collge and choose the right educational career path. While you are on this educational journey to make friends ,because it important when trying to advance your career to have people you know in your corner helping you advance in life .
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would first tell myself to stop procrastinating. Time is of the essence and what better time to do anything than the present? I would tell myself to jump into as many extra curricular activities that I wanted to and to apply for as many scholarships as I could; get out of my comfort zone, for that is how we make progress. I would aslo tell myself not to get discouraged if I did not succeed at everything I tried for, because one has to fail in order to succeed.
Baby those scholarships!!! There is a long road of struggles ahead of you if you don't prioritize. Sit down and do what you have to do, whether it's homework or getting extra help in your classes. Take courses that challenge you and get help with study habits because it's a different world in college. You're not just going to slide through classes like you did in high school. Study a little every week so you don't have to cram. Most of all, you have lived your life free of problems and when you go to college, EVERYTHING becomes your problem; whether it's what you're going to eat for dinner that night or how you're going to pay for next year, or these "out-of-nowhere" dues for next semester. Life will hit you so hard if you don't preepare. Prioritize! Listen to your mother!
The advice I would give to myself as a high school senior to prepare myelf for transitioning fromm high schoolto college wold be to change up study tactics, such as, studying for a longer time period and more in depth and to ask critical questions while studying to get more out of the work. I would tell myself to keep up with assigned work with having a planner to remind myself when it is due because some professors do not remind students about an assignment that was made a week ago or further. Lastly, my advice would be that you do not have to try to go to every party. Parties are going to happen every week and focusing on the work and studies is what you are here for to better yourself, family, communtiy,and world.