I have to honestly state that I have gained respect for different cultures, found a sisterly bond, and learned what a real Spelman woman truly is. It has been a valuable experience to attend Spelman College because I have been offered so many different opportunities. I am honored to have learned the things that Spelman teaches me such as diversity, tolerance, as well as other things on the academic level. I have not only grown mentally but i have made social advances as well.
I have learned many things from my undergraduate experience. One of the most crucial skills attained from the process is the ability to take responsibility for my financial and educational business. I learned how to speak up for myself, keep accurate records, strategically research financial assistance, embrace opportunities from non-traditional class experiences, and how to expect more from myself and educators. My college experience also helped me to appreciate diversity and redefine unity. I learned how to live in close proximity with individuals who did not uphold my values but respected my stance. I grasped the concept of communication and how to express ideas and displeasures in a respectful manner that incorporated personal advancement and organizational success. My process taught me how to take advantage of educational opportunities afforded to me at the expense of my parents' advancement. I am now more empowered and equipped to provide a better future for my family and pave the way for those following in my academic footsteps. Thank you!
I am a single mom of three kids, recently a grandma. I lost my job last year in January, been looking since but nothing has come to me. I got a crazy idea to go to college, I was what people would is a "hater" I didn't like high school why would I ever go to college it is a waste of time is what you would hear me say. Well I am 44 yrs old, and I now am kicking myself for being that way. But I was a young mom of two in my twenties, I don't think I would of finished school if I would of started. I feel more motivated in getting the work done, I show up for every class. I still try to make it so I go with my work done and ready for the next assignment. I keep on top of my work some of my classsmates refer to me as a over achiever, but really I am not I just like to be prepared. I am enjoying myself and I feel I will complete the two year program. Thank you so much for your time, Deborah Ann Weber
Spelman College developed me into the woman I am today. They provided me with the foundation that I needed in order to step into the corporate world and to be prepared for what was to come. My involvement in extracurricular activties taught me to how to manage my time wisely and how to be a leader. My work in the registrars office taught me how to work on a team and interract with other people. My relationships with my professors taught me how to have a respect for upper management while respecting their position but learning from them at the same time. I learned to appreciate working in the community and realized the affect that one small active of kindness and a little bit of your time can do for someone less fortunate. I have a whole new out look on life and I appreciate Spelman College for not only developing me while I attended the school but also trying to maintain those relationships as an Alumni. They try to make sure their students feel like they are part of a family not just a one-time experience in life. I would not trade that experience for anything.
Now entering as a Senior at Cerritos College, I have learned many lessons throughout my journey to carry me on for the years to come. Attending college is and will be one of the most greatest of things I have done for myself. It has shown me my strengths and weaknesses. What I am good at and what I am not good at. It has broadened my life in many ways! I have been sculpted into a more mature individual, not only mentally but, physically as well. It has created many opportunities and open doors to help shape my life into the great life I dream of everyday. My knowledge has expanded from the size of a peanut to the size of the Himalayan mountains! Okay, not that large in scale but, I am simply saying that I have learned a great deal than I had originally before I attended college. Without college, I wouldn't be the person I am today. And one thing is for sure, education is everything!
I have been involved with a showchoir group at Butler Community College for the past year and a half. Our instructor believes it is just as important, if not more, to not only learn all of our music and dance moves but to learn about who we are and what is important in life. Some of these lessons I have learned include to cherish every moment, learn from others mistakes and your own, and what you put in is what you'll get out of it. The most important lesson, though, I believe is to be strong and just be yourself and people will love you just for that.
These lessons are what I most value from my college experience so far. The reason for this is that while academic lessons will help you in your field of work, these life lessons will help you succeed not only in the work force but with your relationships as well. By learning good tips for life, you'll get more out of it and be more successful. But most importantly you'll be happier!
The experience at Remington College has not only given me a great education, but has also given me confidence and a drive to succeed. I plan to continue my college experience by going into a Bachelor Degree program, through the same school, as soon as I complete my Associate Degree program. I have set many goals for myself and have no doubts about my ability to complete them, thanks to this experience. I gained an appreciation for a higher education that was not instilled in my as a child.
My personal college experience has already been a truly unforgettable experience. I started August 2010 and being a non-traditional student, I was actually quite fearful of possibly not fitting into the new college scene. However, after a few weeks it became clear that the experience was nothing comparable to what I once thought. Fellow students at my college are like family to me and we have helped each other from day one. If I had a question, everyone was so willing to assist with a great attitude. I guess my most valuable experience came from helping with fellow student's learning. I remember this one girl in particular who seemed to be really struggling. As time went on I noticed in class she did not always have the materials she needed to do her work and turn it in properly. But, I noticed she was there every class meeting. Time went on and I noticed she was having bad problems with fractions. We worked together and I explained to her the importance of determination and praised her for her dependability. I feel like I am chosen to be a help and encourager to my fellow students.
The main experience that i have gotten out of being at Spelman College is support without your hand being held. In many instutions I have experienced that either the administration is supportive but gives you everything or not enough to a point where you are left alone. they tell you what to do, give you everything to do it, and the instructions but then half way into the procedure, you are left by yourself. other institutions would tell you to figure itour by yourself, sign up for a major and the rest iisup to you. At Spelman you are given a light to lead yourself. A skeletal background to structure yourself but given enough independence that you would be able to maintain your own schedule, extra activities, and outside activities.
Throughout my life, I have gained diverse perspectives that have helped shape the leader within me. Being immersed in a liberal arts education of this caliber, I am confident that I will soon be able to exhibit the qualities of a free thinking woman: qualities that President Tatum and scholarly leaders have used to make a difference on a global scale. Certain people have influenced my learning experience and have contributed to my growth as a free thinking woman. My mom encouraged me to have a passion for higher learning, and my counselor encouraged me to further my education at Spelman College. More recently, Dr. Butler expressed the significance of a liberal education, which I believe will assist me in my educational and professional goals. After receiving a liberal education and becoming a global citizen, I believe I will be more than likely to reach my goals. A liberal education is my window to the world from the perspective of a historian, an artist, and a chemist with a host of other disciplines. By being global and obtaining not only information but knowledge, I will be preparing myself for a life of service to my community and the world.