Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


What I have gotten out of my college experience so far is a greater appreciation for the things I may have taken for granted before as well as an opportunity to learn about different people and different places. It has been valuable for me to attend because there is no greater experience during your teenage years than college. It allows you the freedom you do not get at home, as well as the level of responsibility required in adulthood. It also allows you to appreciate certain things that you may not have before. College is also a very important factor in determining where you will be in th future.


I've been able to meet new people form all over the world. Learn about new religons and traditions. My teachers have been very helpful and understanding when something comes up or if I am having difficulty understanding what we are learning. They understand that people learn in different ways and that helps me because I learn through hands on activities and group arrangements. Overall, it has been a good educational and fun experience; I have learned many new things, made new friends, and helped learn more about myself and future.


My college experience has been incredibly valuable to me because it has enabled me to meet an array of awesome women and men; experience failure and success, while understanding how to navigate between the two in order to become a better person; become an independent and responsible adult; think broad and work smart; experience a liberal arts and and an engineering education; encounter passionate educators of all ages, experiences, and credentials; give back to my community; and travel to countries (like Peru, Brazil, Ghana, France, South Africa, and Denmark) that I never dreamed that I could experience, all while exploring my passion of jazz music. P.S. - Please forgive my extensive, run-on sentence. I am college educated :). It was just easier to throw in the semi-colons and run with it.


The prospect of attending law school is the only thing my mind has fixated on since I was a child. Law school, to me, means financial freedom, a creative career, and loving what I do every morning when I wake. Overcoming and achieving this goal is what I strive for daily. It is the only reason I registered for undergraduate school at Spelman College, attend my law and government classes, and try my best in every aspect of my life. Law school means the opportunity of a lifetime; the ability to reach and surpass my aspirations. While at Spelman College, I hope to accomplish getting my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, with a concentration in pre-law. I am looking forward to many of the classes that are required for this major. Some of the classes are focused on different types of psychology, statistics, and political science, to mention a few. These classes will prepare me for the courses that await me in law school. Along with my classes at Spelman, I also plan to intern with at least one company/agency that will be able to help me find a job in my field once I pass the bar.


From my college experience I have learned to be indepenent, self reliant, determined, dedicated and responsible. I did not have the typical college experience by having to work to pay for school. I missed out on alot of typical college milestones. I was determined to recieve an education so that was a scarifice i made and would do it all over again if i had too.


So far in being in school, that I have freedom now as an adult, but I still have responsibility and that it is on me to do what is for me to succeed in life. I feel that college perpares me for reality as I'm experiencing reality. But it still gives me the experience to have fun, love to achieve knowledge through experience and academics.


I currently attend Tallahassee Community College and being far away from home has taught me a great sense of independence and dedication. It is an amazing school on a beautiful campus that has a lot to offer. TCC is valuable because it has not only offered me a college education but also a wonderful athletic facility and a full time job. Working and going to school on campus means I am there quite a bit and I appreciate all of the oppurtunities for tutoring and extra curriculars that TCC has to offer.


I have learned that the four years done in undergraduate studies, especially at Spelman College, is the foundation of the rest of your life. Its okay to come in as an undecided major and its okay to change your major when you arrive. College is all about finding yourself and figuring out what makes you happy and what you want to do for the rest of your life. College is very fun, and there is always somethiing to do, but you have to prioritize and ask yourself which is important, going to the party and having a good time or studying for a test the next day. Spelman College is valuable to attend because not only will you have an extensive knowledge in your major, you will be able to hold an intellectual conversation with anyone about anything. Spelman is a Liberal Arts school so you will become well rounded and be able to market yourself to become successful in your future endeavors.


College has been a great forum for me to share and strengthen or change my viewpoints. College is one of those places where you get to interact with many like yourself as well as those who are starkly different. Being in an environment with so many different intellectuals with vary perspectives on things really causes you to examine and defend your own beliefs. College is a growing stage; intellectually, physically, and socially. It is an opportunity that should be taken if you are able. College has facilliated my maturation and a perfection of my debating and cognitive abilities.


I have received one of the best educations an African-American woman can receive from Spelman College. I have also gained self-respect, and self-awareness that I feel I could not have gotten anywhere else. Attending Spelman is a priceless experience because every student, whether I ever speak to them personally, or otherwise, is my sister. As long as I carry the Spelman name, I know I will have connections and opportunities throughout the course of my life. Spelman has put me on the track to be the woman I was born to be, I know that there is nothing I cannot do regardless of my race, and sex. Spelman has a legacy of strong women, who are the first, and the best in their fields, and it is because of those who came before me that i can say with confidence I can, and will be the best at whatever it is I choose to do.