Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


The advice I would give to students is to never choose a college based soley on the majors the school can provide. Majority of people end up starting school with a major undecided. I chose my college because of the major they provided, and I ended up changing my major. Once the student has chosen their college, it is important to get involved with school activities and activites outside of school. The school I attend is really big on volunteering, and volunteering was so fun. Even though a student attends college to further their learning, it is essential for a student to have a great social life. College is not fun without exciting memories. The advice I would give to parents is to make sure a plan on how the tuition will be paid throughout each school year is set in stone. Financial troubles can be stressful to a student.


Go for what you know




Find a college that fits your personality and your budget. Don't go to a college just because it has a worldwide known name. Save your money. Get involved socially at the college you choose. Look for SCHOLARSHIPS and stay focused when you get there!


STOP! Before you make hasty decisions about your childs future; before you make hasty decisions about a college based on which one of your friends are going there, consider all options. This is an institution you will be spending the next four years of your life at student, and depositing endless amounts of money parent. Are you sure you have covered all bases when considering living costs, expenses, tuition, fees, etcetera? Before you sign that agreement committing you and your child- mind, body and checkbook- make sure you know exactly where you will stand with each college. Parents: your child is an investment. And for you to reap the most out of your investment, you have to make sure it is protected at an institution made especially for them. And to find that institution, you have to take your time and have patience. Student: College will arguably be the best, most free years of your life. Make sure you enjoy yourself while subconcsiously realizing that you are there for your education first and foremost. College is grand but you may only fully benefit from it by planning for it and leaving miniscule room for doubt.


Remain focused, make sensible decisions and just live your life. This is the moment whenre you discover yourself and make decision that can affect the rest of your life. Have fun but with in reason. Learn how to balance especially your first year and remember to always finish strong. Relationships will grow stronger and you will make lifel-long friends


I would tell them to not be swayed by what their parents want instead to just pray about it and trust that God will lead you to the place that you are suppose to be. The process might be frustrating and long, but I told myself to calm down because I am going to be where I am suppose to be. Fortunately I am attending a great college even though it was not my first choice. If by chance you are forced into a college due to a financial situation, I would advise that you make the best of the situation that you are in. College is what you make it. Put into it what you want to get out of it.


College is a place where one will grow in ways never thought possible! I suggest you follow your heart. When I say this I mean sometimes your parents and teachers may bring you down and tell you things that you do not want to hear, I want students to not feel defeated by the negative things individuals will say because no one knows what you are capable of except for you. I suggest you do lots of research, apply to a variety of schools and to also embrace change, that is part of the college and growing experience. Do not let money be the only deciding factor. It is important to love where you will be learning and if that means paying extra for it then I believe wherever there is a will there is truly a way. I also want students to not feel intimidated by their teachers, we must remember they were once in our posistion; I hope students will find a way to gain positive insights and growth from their schhol administrators. Finally, keep in touch with your family, friends, anyone who you know gives good advice and believes you. Sometimes you will feel defeated, but perservere!


I would tell students and parents to not allow money to stop a student from going to the college that her or she knows is right for them. I would advise them to make sure they visit campuses before making final decisions. They should also take notice of the neighborhoods and areas surrounding the college because the student will spend time of campus and they will want to be comfortable where they are. I think being yourself is one of the best ways to make the most of your college experience. Do not try to fit in with a certain group because you will miss out! There are going to be people from all over the country and also people from other countries that you can learn things from. Do not limit yourself to one group. Also, find a balance with partying and studying. When you graduate you want to be able to say you worked hard for your degree but you also had fun and enjoyed yourself. College should be both a learning and growing experience.


My best advice is pick a school where you will be comfortable...don't pick a school that you can't afford because you will always have to worry about MONEY, don't pick a school where people have different values and morals than you because you will never have FRIENDS, don't pick a school where SECURITY is an issue because you will always have to worry about someone harming you, don't pick a school where the teachers / students are not HELPFUL and FRIENDLY because you will flunk! All-in-all, don't pick a school where you have to worry about things besides your schoolwork and unavoidable personal problems.