Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


I would tell students to visit as many colleges as possible. The student needs to find the place where they are most comfortable. The parent should always allow their student to make the decision so that they can do their best at the institution that best suits them. And I do not believe anyone should ever not attend school because of money because their is always a way to find it!


Trust your instincts. College visits are a must! And figure out how you'll fit into the academic AND social aspects of your college.


Start early! It is so important to start early with a college search because a lot of time and money are invested into the institution an individual chooses. I cannot stress enough how vital it is to do your best in high school, making sure that your resume looks great because getting accepted into college is a competition among students around the world. In addition, good grades and a good resume will be beneficial towards receiving financial aid from the institution or from outside sources. Make sure to take advantage of resources such as counselors, admissions offices, and even websites that are helpful with guiding you and creating a perfect match between the person and a school. Be positive and never give up; have a set schedule for scholarships, calling campuses, visiting schools, testing, and everything else that is important to get to college. Maximizing the college experience is just as important as getting to college. Create good study patterns, stay around a good support system, network with teachers, GO TO CLASS , stay healthy , do not loose control, get involved with student organizations, and lastly, do your best. With these tips, college should be the best time of your life.


Take risks, experience. Take the time to find friends, you will never know who you will meet. Keep an open mind. Let your children grow up and make decisions on their own with your guidance. They need to make their mistakes on their own.


Make sure to visit numerous colleges so you can get a better idea of the campus. Also once you are accepted into the schools make sure you do any programs the colleges offer to newly accepted student; this wil give you an opportunity to picture yourself on the campus and whether it is the right choice for you.


When picking a college 1st think about which would be the best place to learn and grow. Next, does the school have a great reputation to companies, graduate schools, etc. Then, how will it affect my family financially.


Start early in planning and applying for financial aid.


College will be referred to by many that attend as ?the best time of your life.? This can only be true for those that find the right college for themselves. Finding the right college is like finding a soul mate, it will by with you for the rest of your life! Like choosing a mate, you must be sure that the school fulfills your intellectual, social, religious, artistic, and financial needs. When searching for the right school, it is important to take your time. You have to study the school as well as take it for a ?test drive.? A valuable tool that many students and parents do not take advantage of is overnight campus visits or ?a day in the life.? Visiting a school for a tour on a Saturday, gives you no perspective into the true college experience a school can offer. It is best to visit a perspective school during the school week;. During the week you can see the make-up of the student body, faculty, and campus happenings. College is something that only takes four years, but the effects and experiences will follow you for a lifetime so be careful in your decision. Good Luck!


To both parents and students I would say be wise about the selections made when chosing a college to attend. Parents should be aware that a college selection should be fully up to the student becuase it will be the student and only the student going through the college experience of that specific institution. The student needs to carefully research each college making sure that the college has the type of atmosphere and evironment that they want to be apart of. Parents and students should also know that when attending college it is entirely up to the student on how their college experience turns out. Students and parents should remember that college is only the facility the houses the student molding him/her into who they will become for the rest of their lives; however, it is up to the student to make the transition and experience a successful one.


I would tell students and their parents who are looking for a suitable campus that accommodates the individual needs to first evaluate which school size is best for that individual student. Then I would tell the prospective student to pick three types of schools ranging in size including small, medium, and large schools. Then the student will be able to assess if he/she is going to fit in to the educational environment. After the student picks which size school is suitable for the needs of the student. The next step i would tell the prospective student is to choose the school that they feel is best for them. After the school of choice is chosen the last step is to go tho the particular school of interest and attend a type of program that fully emerges the prospective student in the type of environment the particular school offers during the school year. Good luck prospective student!