I always knew from the seventh grade that I wanted to attend Spelman College. Some students do not know what college they want to attend right away so one of the most important things to do when trying to find the right college is to research the best school that will offer the best undergraduate for the students major. Nothing compares to attending a college that has the best undergraduate program. Once the student and parents have decided on the colleges the student might potentially want to attend it is best to visit the college. A college may appear good on paper but the environment might not be suitable for the student and can affect the college experience. The college experience is one of the most memorable moments of a persons life. The relationships gained, lessons learned, and lifelong knowledge instilled upon them is something that noone can ever take froma person. Most importantly, I believe that it is vital for a student to attend the college that they want to because it will be most suitable for them not where family and friends want them to attend because the next four years will be the beginning of their life.
Deciding the college that you are going to attend is more than an financial investment, it is an investment that will shape the most important years of your future. My college has not only led me to wonderful career opportunities and internships, but has encouraged me to give back to my community and be a free-thinking individual. My college has inspired me to achieve my dreams and constantly reminds me of my responsibility to be a helping hand. So far, college has been one of the most memorable experiences of my life and I would hope the same for you. Choose a place that will nuture you and be invested in your goals. Visit the campus and talk to the students and get great insight on what the college has to offer. Lastly, choose a school that in your heart feel like home and you would love to share with the world!
Make sure that you feel comfortable wherever you decide to go. Consider the cost, environment, and academics. Make sure that is where you want to be.
Visit Campus, Ask questions, and get to know professors and staff members
For the student I say find a college that fits you, do not worry about the school your parents want you to attend. It?s up to you, you?re the one who is going to be there for four years and you have to be happy or you will not do as well. Also you do not want to have to transfer after you get there and find out that you do not like the school. Go on visit, over night visit if possible. And to the parents I understand that you may be the person paying for your child education but you cannot pick the school they attend and you cannot force them to go. If you do they most likely will end up disappointing you so let you child decide. I?m not saying do not get involve in their decision but let them decide.
Finding the right college requires a lot of research; you have to know exactly what majors the school offers and what you want to major in, if the school is affordable enough, how the campus life is, and the condition of the areas on and off campus. From personal experience, when I finally decided on what major I wanted to receive a degree in, that major wasn't offered at the school I attended. It's also important for the school to be affordable so that too many loans will not have to be taken out, because I have also taken out loans in order to finance my education. But one very important thing is to engage in numerous social activities on campus in order to make the most of the college experience. Engaging in on-campus activities allows students to make more friends, have the ability to stand out, and even engage in programs that compliment the student's major and hobbies.
When you are finding a school do not look for a school solely based on the financial situation. There is always a way to pay for school whether it be by working, taking out loans, finding grants and scholarships. Whatever it may be, chose a school based on whether you like it or not, if you feel safe in the environment and if it is somewhere you cansee your self for the next few years. You should never chose a school where you don't want to be because you will not do your best and your grades will suffer. The college experience is one that should be a memorable four years of your life. Make it worth it!
I would have to say that every college is not for every person. The first thing is determining the size of the college you would like to attend, where you think you would learn best in. Then taking a look at the mission statement, this is probably the most important thing. Then there is the question can you afford it, whose offering more scholarship money so that your college experience won't be stressful wondering how your going to finishing paying off your school. The last thing would be visit the school's of your chose and speak with students, there you will get the most helpful help one choosing the right school for you.
Make sure that you or your child will be happy at the school of choice because nothing can distract you more from studying than being miserable. Also, feeling comfortable and safe is a key factor, because when you first go away from home, all you jnow is to being comfortable. The school having the major that you are interested in is also a key factor, and be sure that your school is the right distance from home, however far or close that may be.
When choosing a college or university students should look for a college that makes them feel comfortable while being able to produce the out- of- the-comfort-zone experiences. Always TOUR the college before choosing the college and most importantly please keep in mind that if the college tour does not include a showing or display of the inside of most of their buildings they almost allways have something they are hiding; which can hinder your future student experience!
While in college I strongly suggest that you surround yourself with hardworking, driven, supportive and driven people. Having these kinds of friends will help your college experience more become positive and all the while you will help elevate yourself your spirit and possibly your GPA while making and developing life long friendships.