Visit the schools! Visiting Spelman College really pushed me to make the decision I did. I felt like I was at home when I visited the campus. Moreover, get involved in a variety of activities. After you do, select the ones that you want to keep. Being involved helps with networking as well as having fun.
Allow your child to attend the school that they express interest in and please do not select the school for them. In order for them to be successful in college and not you, they have to feel connected with the particular institution. I encourage the students to find out everything you possibly can about the school(s) before applying to them. Students need to contact faculty members in the areas/major in which you are interested in or have questions about. Also find out about any and every possible financial assistance and requirements for school scholarship based assistance. Always step outside of your box students and never fear traveling and trying new things. In order to grow you must experience life. Be safe, stay focused, and above all BE BLESSED.
I would tell them to remember that whatever school you choose you have to be there for four long years, so choose wisely. Make sure you pay attention to how you will afford 4 years and take all of the basic needs and wants in life into account. If you like seeing your friends everyday and having class with them choose a small school. If you like finding different types of people all the time choose a large school. Just make sure that whatever you choose is what's right for you. There's a perfect school for everyone.
The best advice I can give to a person trying to chose the right college is to know yourself and know the schools you are researching. Don't just go off the brochure, delve deeper, visit the campus, talk to the administration, sit in on a class, talk to the students (not just the tour guides) candidly about the school. Be aware of all aspects of your collegiate needs and choose a school that is the best fit to cater to them all. Even if a school appeals to your academic needs, it most also suit your social desires as well, because honestly speaking, you cannot excel academically if you are unsatisfied emotionally. Remember to chose the school that speaks to you, not your pockets nor your transcript.
I advise all students interested in any institution to visit the campus and speak with students and alumni before making a decision to attend.
The decision to attend college is an important one and for that reason, students should spend a considerable amount of time contemplating which school is the right one for them. Graduation rate, financial aid awards, housing, location/weather conditions, extracurricular opportunities, study abroad opportunities, available career planning centers , etc. should be on the list of things to consider when finding the right school. I always like to remind incoming students that college is not only about the academic experience, but also about the social experiences that will allow them to flourish as individuals. With that being said, I will continue to encourage these new students to tear themselves aways from the library and studying long enough to meet new people, experience new things, and participate various activities that they never knew existed!
Home is where the heart is, and for me, it has only began at Spelman. When I entered the pearly gates I was greeted by signs: "A place built for you", "welcome home"; "you are the chosen ones", and from that moment I knew I was destined for greatness. Spelman breeds it's students to be well rounded, well groomed, young women who are versatile in a variety of situations. As we enter the world as Spelman women we are the elite of Black women who understand that the sky is the limit, nothing is impossible and with the guidance from Career Planning, the opportunities are endless. At Spelman, your daughter will not only gain a stronger understanding about her value to the world, but she will gain a confidence in her identity as a strong Black woman in a society that both conciously and unconciously oppress women. During her tenure at Spelman, you will see her grow into a competent and refined young woman who has the world at her fingertips. With the networking and opportunities that Spelman offers it's students, there is no greater place for her to matriculate.
I advise parents and students to work together to find the best college for the student. Students and parents should clearly communicate to one another what they are looking for in a school. I also suggest visiting the campus before making the final decision. When visiting, be sure to speak with students and faculty on campus. Tour guides are also a good source for information about the campus. Don't be afraid to ask questions. If you are able to speak with any alum ask them about ther experiences at the school, and how they feel about the current state of the campus. While visiting, take a walk around the neighborhood that surrounds the campus. When selecting a school, you're choosing the city, the state, and the neighborhood in which that school is located. Finally, I urge parents to let their children grow up and define themselves. I encourage students to explore their academic interests and passions while at college. College is a great place to learn and grow.
Finding the right college is a different process for everyone. I went to the Early College Program hosted by Spelman in 2006, and I immediately knew that Spelman was the school for me. I applied to one other school just in case, but Spelman was my first choice. For others, finding the right school can mean taking lots of tours, or it can mean going to the school that your parents attended, which brings me to my next point. Finding the right college is all about the student. Parents want the best for their children, but sometimes what they want is not what their child needs. Just be sure to let him or her express themselves.
College can definitely be a difficult time in your life. Just remember not to stress, remember everything you were taught, and to cherish every moment that you have. Sometimes its easy to get caught up in the "college scene", but as long as you do those three things you will be okay. This is the time to really learn about yourself and grow as a person. When you graduate, you will leave with so much. So just embrace this experience.
To the parents, my main piece of advice is that the college application process is about their child's future. Although the imput of parents and college counselors are extremely important and much appreciated, the final decision should be left up to the student. The college counselor may be trained in knowing the posatives and negatives of any institution, only the student who is filling out an application can know which school best fits them. Parents should not push their children into a direction that they wish they had gone in or in the direction that they did go in just becuase they think theyknow which college is the best fit for their child.
To the students, my primary piece of advice is to visit the schools they are considering before commiting to anything. On paper, anything can look appealing by using eloquent phrasing. For instance, a basement with a stationary bicycle can be described as a whole floor dedicated to the fitness and wellness of the community. It is paramount that students actually get the visual of where they will be spending the next four years of their lives before any concrete decision is made.