Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


I would advise the parents ans students to make sure that they visit every school that the student is considering. Along with visiting, once the student has narrowed his or her choices, that student should shadow a current student at that school so he or she can really get a feel for the overall environment of the school. Another piece of advice that I would give is, for the student if any way possible, to enroll while in high school in a few college courses so that the student will go into his or her desired school with college credits. Gaining a few college credits before actually starting college will allow the student to be a step ahead, which will be useful in the long run. Doing all of this and researching the credentials of the school will insure that the student is happy with his or her choice.


The best advice i could give anyone on finding the right college, whether they be a parent and or student, is to remember why you came to college, and what your goals are upon leaving. Never sllow yourself or anyone else to make you lose focus on the bigger picture. Also get involved, in your community, attending college is not only about bettering yourself and your education, but it is also about helping to better the community and its citizens around you. Never forget where you came from, but always remember where you are going. Do not choose your college out of pressure or tradition. When choosing a college for you, remember the most imporant word, YOU, and dont allow yourself to be discouraged.


Many times when a student is searching for a college to attend, and a parent is accompanying them on their search, they do not usually ask their child what school they truly desire to attend. Primarily, parents will give their children a choice, but they will ultimately have the decision on their college decision, whether it is based on financial reasons or the college being the parents' Alma Mater. I simply say that parents, allow your child to attend the college of their choice, even though financial matters may be extremely pertinent when deciding on a college. Your child will forever treasure their time at a college they actually admired, rather than at a college you forced them to attend. And, they will more likely choose a major that they are passionate while surrounded by people who will nurture them, and while at an institution that they call their "home away from home".


For students, I would tell them to really take the college experience seriously. Make sure that you thoroughly research all schools you are interested in. You would hate to pick a schoolsimply because of its name. Apply to as many scholarship as possible there should be no limit to the amount of scholarships you apply to because nothing is guarenteed. There are so many resources available to students, sometimes you just have to do a bit of searching. Most students take their first year for granted. Party hard and slack do not be one of those. once you start a pattern its hard to break. Try to be a balanced as possible do not overload yourself with studying, you might crash and burn. Try to enjoy as much as your college experience as possible, they could be the best years of your life. And for parents, please allow you child to find themself, give them freedom to live and make mistakes. Because every mistake should be a learning for them.


Before settling on your dream school, take time to visit very different campuses. Reading about different schools online will not give you the full scoop on the institution. Once you spend time on the campus and speak to students who are not giving tours and will be extremely honest with any questions that you may have. Apply to as many schools as you can so that you will not be stuck at just any school. Your choice of college should be one that you love to say that you attend. Once you are enrolled, join as many clubs as you can. Meet and mingle with upperclassmen who may be able to help you out during your matriculation. Become apart of your school's environment and learn how to balance studying and partying. Grades are more important than being popular or having friends. You will have time to let loose and have fun but the main priority should be your studies and not the cutie across campus.


Each college experience is different. College is not what you see on tv. How great the college is how great the student makes it. Don't arrive with too many expections for any college you might have too many that the college does not do.


check out your top college choices more than once. make sure they have everything you need including living accomodations, academic classes, and look for a great school that will offer you a scholarship


Whatever college you choose, make sure it is the one that can cater to your learning abilities, provide you with excellent resources, and help you to grow as person, physically, socially, and mentally.


It is very important that the parents allow the future student to find a school which identifies with who they are and aspire to be. Students have to be comfortable and understand that now is the time for them to act as young responsible adults. (For the student) You were brought here and given this opportunity to do great and wondrous things. The chance to go to a 2-year or 4-year college/university is a privilege, in which many wish they could experience. Enjoy your self but understand that you are there to graduate and not just to fulfill the yearly enrollment list. College is an investment and if taken seriously will be one of the best investments you, your parents, and loved ones could have ever made. (For the Parents) Know that this is the time that you are to practice loving your children from a distance. Allow them to grow into the strong individual you hope and know they can be. College is for both of you, them (the student) to learn about life and for you (the parent) to support. Between you and your student all will be well. Be SAFE and Be Blessed


I would encourage both parent and student to research deeply into the college. Parent and student should make a list of all the qualities they are looking for in a college. So, when they begin the process of choosing a college they will be well aware of what they are lookin for. Most importantly the parent and the student should make several campus visits, as many as possible. This aspect is important because they must get a feel for the college. Nice words and pretty photos on a college website is not enough. The parent and student must check out the college first hand. Just as important, they should explore the surrounding areas of the school. The area outside of the school is just as important as the area inside. Lastly, I encourage the student to take full advantage of the college experience. I encourage the student to balance work with play and make college work for them.