Spelman College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Spelman College know before they start?


Knowing what I know now, as a college freshman there are numerous things I would tell myself as a high school a senior. The first thing is to be proactive. Do things for yourself; do not wait for someone else to do it for you. Applying for scholarships are one of those things to be proactive about. College is not a cheap investment but furthering your education is worth investing in. Be involved in school and your community. Get to know people and network because in most cases it is not what you know, but whom you know. Take advantage of every opportunity presented to you. Even if something seems out of your nature or not in your field of study still accept the challenge. Make sure the decisions you make are for you, and no one else. You have to live with decisions, make sure it’s a decision you want to do and are content with. Last but not least senior year is the last year in high school and childhood. Don’t rush it. Enjoy senior year to the fullest, make memories and have fun.


I would learn how to manage time better. I would learn new study skills and habits and actually force myself to study so that it would become a habit. I would join more organizations and perform more community service because comunity service is a big aspect at my school.


I would tell myself to enjoy the moment and stop rushing. As a senior in high school, I was so eager to go to college and get out of the house that I missed a lot of special moments that I could have cherished if I would've just paid attention. I would say that it's okay to dream. It's okay to let your imagination run wild and actually expect to have what you want one day. It's okay to aspire to something that no one that you can talk to has ever dreamed of because it can happen for you. The sky is the limit. If I would have truly believed that back then, I believe that life would've been a little better.


I would tell myself to make sure to keep a leveled head in all situations. I also would tell myself that life, especially college, is what you make it. So if I want to have fun in college but also get everything I can get out of it, then I must make that happen by myself. I would say to utlize all resources because college not only has a lot of events in which to network, but also people that are well versed in many different subjects. So utlize the people, the facilities, and anything else that can help you grow into the person you were meant to become. Lastly, I would say, academics are great and it is good to get great grades but this is also the last time that you have to actually experience things without having genuine responsibilities. So I would say, go to every event you can, do every study abroad, and make it your mission to meet a new person everyday because trust me, it will go A LONG way.


The advice I would give is to stay focus. You are in school for a reason. I also would tell myself that I am smart enough and I can be successful in any class.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would reassure the younger me that everything will work out for the better. I would encourage younger me to be fearless and motivate younger me to consistently stay focused. I would advise younger me to apply to more scholarships to ease finanacial burdens for undergraduate school. I would also tell younger me to start off strong and end strong in undergraduate school. In addition, I would tell younger me to get more involved on campus earlier and never doubt myself. I would remind younger me that I am beautiful, brilliant, and deserve the best. I would also encourage younger me to always keep my faith and love me first.


Work hard, don't stress, let work come first, and by all means, try to get as much rest as you can during New Student Orientation. Work hard becuase you are at a competitive school where each young woman graduated at the top of her class. Don't stress on the little things. Everything will work out as long as you work hard and are cordial to everyone. You never know who people are and who they know. Lastly, get as much rest as you can during New Student Orientation. New Student Orientation is fun but also annoying. You aren't allowed to go off campus for nine days. During this period however, you meet friends, get used to your dorm, and begin making connections. During any down time, please just get rest becuase once the semester starts, you'll wish you had.


Khyra, I know that it seems you may know everything now, especially because you have been all alone for so long without any help, but just know that colleger is not something that you can do all by yourself. You will need all the help, and all the scholarships that you can possible hope for! Do not worry about finding friends they will come, and your going to love Spelman just as much as thought!

Jordyn Nicole

My only regret during senior year was graduating without any knowledge on how to study the properly and leaving high school without scholarships for college. As a senior, you are so eager to move onto the next chapter in life, but I would say cherish the "now" and have no worries about the future. Everything will work out as planned! I'd say that nothing in life is given to you. One must be determined and head-strong in order to achieve his or her greatest aspirations. This statement is also true about scholarships, even the smallest amount will be used during your college experience. When they say "every penny counts" do not shy away from the $500 scholarships and do not become discouraged by the highly competetive $10,000 scholarships. You must believe in your strengths and hold your weaknesses close, do not let them turn you away from becoming successful. Lastly, studying was a big issue for me. I never really had to study. Therefore going into college, I thought studying two nights or even the night before an exam was enough. Let's just say that did not work as well as I had planned. Study hard!!!!!


Back in highschool where school was less strenuous, and there was more time to have fun the coming forth of college was a vast canvas of mysteries. We wondered if the rumors and television portrayals of college on the television screen were indeed true. In order to better prepare myself for college there a few major pieces of advice I would have loved to give to my former self. The first piece of advice I would tell myself is to have great time management, that a schedule is always efficient in helping stay organized and on the ball. I would also tell myself to learn more effective study skills and that taking time out to study every night will help to prepare for tests and final exams. The last piece of advice I would give to myself is to stay focused. On the college scene there will always be an event to have fun but the reason for going away to school is to recieve a valuable education. With this advice I believe I would have been better equipped for college.