St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What should every freshman at St John’s University-New York know before they start?


I would definitely advice the student to visit the schools before they decide on one. The school needs to feel right, just as when you buy a pair of shoes, you try them on first to see if they fit. Sometimes you get home and change your mind once you've worn them for a little while. Maybe they hurt or maybe they're just not what you were going for. In order to avoid feeling this way about the school you choose, be open and friendly-this will help you to meet friends, feel comfortable, and have a good time. More likely than not if these things go well you will enjoy your college experience. It's easier to meet friends if you are a part of something-find a hobby, play a sport, join a club. Get involved somehow. But also don't forget to take advantage of the money you are spending to go to this school by a getting a fabulous education and becoming an even smarter you!


Follow your heart. Do not allow the distance or the size of the school make a major effect in your decision because you will only regret not listening to your heart and allowing yourself to be open-minded and willing to follow something new. During your decision make a list of definite needs in your college or university and during your search take tours of these schools, ask if you can shadow a current student, and take that oppurtunity to ask questions you believe are silly or just plain dumb. Remember only you will regret not following your dreams and taking a chance. Campus life is the only college life. You will never experience the same things if you commute.


To the students. make sure you choose the best college for you, and only you. Also, make sure to take advantage of this great oppurtunity. To the parents, there are much scholarships, grants, and aid, for your children to attend college, it is the most important investment one could and should take advantage of.


dont choose the first college that comes along


I would advise parents and students to pursue enrollment at a college that they believe is right for them. College advisors in high school are not always correct when they discourage a student from applying to a college based on their grades, or other factors. You could miss out on a big opportunity for yourself if you take their advice 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c}.


They should visit the campus, meet the people and see how its like before choosing a university.


look at the colleges that feel right, forget about everything else, step onto the school and see if it feels right. You'll be spending 4 of the most amazing years of your life there, make it count.


For me, finding the right college is about finding your comfort zone. If your outgoing and social, your probably more inclined to attend college in a populous area, whereas if you tend to be more introverted and enjoy spending your timely quietly to yourself, you would probably be better fit for more of a smaller, rural college. In finding the right college, the most important asset to your search is currently enrolled students and alumni. Find out what advice they have to offer, and what their honest opinion of the school is. To make the most out of your college experience, you should really try to get involved/put yourself out their. Yeah, college education is extremely important and first priority, but their is also a lot of fun to be had at college. The last thing you want to do is to look back and have second thoughts and regrets.


College is supposed to help students discovery their passions and interests. It is hard for a student to do so in an enviornment they are not completely comfortable in. The right college is one that a student is excited about. He is ecstatic about attending; he looks foward to going to class. The desire to learn and grow is strongly based on a student's willingness to do so. Obviously, he would be more willing in an enviornment he is comfortable in. However, one must gauge how much this is worth. Having an enjoyable college experience may not be worth $120,000 to a frugal person. If this is the case, the right school is one where he feels all aspects of his personality will be accepted. Once a student feels accepted, it is easier for him to be comfortable in his college environment. This can only lead to the student becoming more apt to get involved in campus life and make the most of his academic endeavors, which are the keys to taking the most from college.


Find the one that is close to home and just right for your son or duaghters major. Have a good school with good reputation and good finanical aid. Also make sure they are going to have a blast at the school not a workload to haul around.