From experience, think about your career, financial benefits, and location.
My advice would be to compare and contrast. Look at what each college offers and then look at how this would benefit you in the long run. Don't apply to a school because your friends are going there, apply because that is the school you think is best for you.
The most important advice I can give about finding the right college. Well first off, even if you don't know where your live is going, make sure you're going to a school that has a variety of programs that interest you as a student. This can help you discover yourself as astudent and lead to future prospects in life. If you already have a course of study, go to a school that has a strong program for your field. This is vital. I constantly see students who went to a school with name recognition and are forced to transfer out after time because they realize they are inable to study what they want to in their university of choice. Also, you have to decide what type of environment you want to be in, big, small, conservative, liberal, there are MANY options out there. Lastly, no matter where you are, you WILL make friends. To make the most of your college experience, do EVERYTHING you can. Take advantage of everything there is to offer. Whether its a big school trip or just a friend calling to hang out, college will fly by and these are times to cherish.
VISIT all the potentials! Apply for EVERY scholarship
Finding the right college is a hunt you havve to really look for the kind of ppl you want to surround yourself wit ppl
I am still convinced afte rmy undergraduate experience that college is very much what you make of it. Regardless of what school you attend, it is up to you, the student, to extract the most from tha place. Take advantage of you courses, professors and relevant programs. Get involved in your school, be it in an existing group, or, if none esits, work to organize one. It may not be easy, but you will learn much from the process. Work to the best of your ability, this is a valuable opportunity, and you will ikely look back and regret it if you waste that chance. At the same time, do not take yourself too seriously. College is a time to learn, not just academically, but personally and socially as well. Finally, look around every so often while you are there. Take in the experience, and remember who you are and where you are. The years go by quickly, and the person you were at the start will not be the same one who hold that diploma in the end. Chesrish the person you are at each step along the way, and the experiences that get you there.
I would stress how important it is to visit the school. Many of my friends from high school ended up picking the wrong school simply because they never visited and ended up transfering sophomore year. Every single campus has a different culture and if you can't comfortably live within the culture of the school you choose you're never going to be happy. Also, as a freshman try to get involved with what you can, and keep your mind open about different activities. Don't rule out activities such as greek life or cultural clubs just because of media portrayal and preconcieved notions. And talk to the upperclassmen, they know what the school is all about and they can save you a lot of time by telling you things instead of having to figure out for yourself.
First know what you want to pursuit in life, then you look for the college that's right for you career. Don't focus so much on whether the school is known or not..it's about the education that you get out of it
Take time and decide where would be a good place that fits you. Where you go to college should be your decision and your's alone, because you'rethe one who will have to be there for several years. You have to find a place that is comfortable for you. When you find the right place, time management is the key. Remember that your studies are your number one but don't forget to have fun too! I strongly recommend joining a club if not several. Clubs brings people with similar interests together and helps you meet a lot of the student body. Also if you have a major, make friends with those who are the same major or similar ones, and help eachother out! They are going through the same thing you are and you can learn a lot from eachother not only about your studies. I have only been in college for a year and half and i have learned so so much about my self and of course my major. Freshman year was the best and a lot of fun. Make the best of that first year because you will never have another freshman year at college.
Find a place where you're child feels right at home when they walk onto the campus, because that would be the place they want to spend for the next four years of their lives without transferring.