I was really worried about many things when I first got to college. I worried about who I was, deciding a major, making friends, roomates, teachers, classes, food, things to do, money. I was concerned with pretty much everything. The greatest thing I've gained from my college experience is a sound sense of security and self. I've found the greatest friends I've ever had there. I was able to decide a major. I have amazing roomates, teachers, and classes. I have a full scholarship. There's always food and I'm near enough to the city to always have something to do. My home situation has always been hard and confusing. I never seemed to know which way was up and I certainly had no idea who I was or where I was going. Going to St. John's has given me the kind of foundation I needed to establish myself and what I wanted out of life. I still don't know exactly who I am. What I do know is what I'm looking for and that I'm well on my way to finding it and myself. I owe St. John's almost everything.
I've made friends that I'm sure I'll have for life. Coming from a small place like Jackson, Mississippi to New York City was daunting, especially when I heard that people weren't as kind. I'm glad however, that the students I've met at St. John's proved the nay-sayers wrong.
I have got alot out of my first semester in college. I learned that eventhough i am an undecided student i am not the only one out their.My school would do everything they can to help me to decide a major. I have attended two seminars on majors that corresponds with things i like to do or i might see myself doing. Because of that i realized i might want to go into communications, but before deciding, my school offers me to take a class and then decide. It has been very valuable for me to attend, because it is not just giving me an education, but it is helping me find myself with my career leading me to success. Instead of giving up on me, my advisor been helping me and i learned so much already already valuable to my future just be attending St.Johns University.
My time at St. John's University has been a good one so far. I have recieved a some challenging classes and some easy classes. I have learned to make relationships with teachers and to try my best. Most of my professors always told me to stand out in our own way and just to show your effort, ask questions and such. It has been valuable for me to attend college because St. Jon's will give me the skills I need to further my education and eventuakky change the world in my own way.
I got to be away from home while attending college. Although I lived off campus, I have seen the dorms at the college. It was not the best but I think it was livable. I stayed in the dorms for one night during the orientation and I felt like I was starting my college life. Of course, the academics was not accounted for but my roommates and I were eating chips and playing poker. The college has made me feel like I was in the right place.
My college experience has allowed me to grow as a person, especially my developmental thinking skills. I have become much more aware of my surroundings, what is going on in my community and worldwide. In addition I have learned to open my mind to new things by being acceptive of new knowledge.
What I have gotten out of the college experience is the independence, the fact that it all up to me to get my education. I am going to school for me, for my future, not for my parents or my family. This is all for me and is up to me to be someone in life.
Many people think it is a place students go to for academic knowledge and although they are partially right, school, especially college, is also to gain life experiences. Like many kids, this has been my first time living away from home and I am not only in another city I am in another city on the other side of the state. I grew up in southern California, so this is my first time on my own living in Humboldt County near the Oregon Border in northern California and I love every minute of it. Even living at home I was already pretty independent, but I now I have been able to flourish by being all on my own. I have learned to get around in a new city, I have made a whole new group of friends from all over the state, and of course I have learned all about my new school and have so far been doing very well in my classes. Some people forget that college is a life experience that really kick starts a student's life and prepares them for not only being on their own but also created their own life's path.
The one thing that I have gotten out of my college experience thus far is Responsibility. The transistion into college can be really hard especially if you are not the responsible type. Everything is dependent on you. You pass by reading the syllabus. You're teacher does not hold your hand and guide through every process in any of your classes. You have to learn to manage your time and seperate your fun from your studies. I have met alot of people that didn't know how to do that and ended up on academic probabtion because of it. No one wants to see that happen to themselves and their friends. By being responsible, you stay on top of your studies and after completing what needs to be done ahead of time. You can allow yourself some fun to take away some of the stress gained from college.
Going to school in New York City has broadened my mind and offered doors to amazing new experiences. College is a time to find out what type of person you want to be, and then to start to become that person. Besides the practical benefits of earning a degree, I have learned a lot about how I respond to challenges, interact with people, and what I value in myself and others. I know this experience is valuable because there is no other time in your life where you can devote yourself to self-discovery through radically different experiences. In only a year and a half of college, I have branched out in pursuit of new interests, become more confident, and taken classes in everything from Metaphysics to History of the Middle East. Plus, New York City is just awesome.