I would tell myself to deeply research the type of work I would like to go into. I am currently in my second major at college and have many years to go, as I spent my first two years working on a degree that is somewhat useless in the area I reside in. If I had researched and really thought more about a realistic career goal, I feel that I would be much farther into my education. In addition, I would tell myself to keep going. Anything that you want to achieve in life is worth the struggles to get there.
I would give a lot of advice if I could go back in time and talk to my high school self. I would tell myself that life is what you make it, that I should believe in myself and pursue all of my dreams. I would tell myself to figure out what I wanted out of life and go for it, and to be willing to work hard to get there because anything worth having is worth working hard for. I would tell myself to always be an active participant in the classroom and in life. I would also tell myself to take my studies seriously, to go out of my way to learn all kinds of things, and to be an active member of any school, work or social environment, and to follow my instincts because they’re usually good. Finally, I would tell myself to do all the necessary work to achieve everything that I want out of life and to feel happy and successful, but to make sure not to take life to seriously, and be sure to have fun, be smart but fun, and spread fun, love and kindness to everyone I meet.
My advice to my high school senior self is that around that time, they expect you to study from the book A LOT MORE. I would advise him to settle down and start reading more. I would have had no D's if I had just took a few more hours and studied.
If i could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior, I would tell myself plently of useful information. Although I do not think I would change much about my life, because it has made me who I am today. I am a strong independent woman, and I am glad I am this way. I would tell myself to better prepare for the future though, because college and life are so exspensive. I wish I could have warned myself about the bills I would be paying, and how exspensive books, and class fees really are. I would also tell myself not to work myself so hard at my job because it was not necessary then, like it is now. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would not tell myself to change much, just to be prepared.
If I went back in time and talked to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself that you need to seize any opportunity that presents itself. From here on out whatever amount of effort and hard work you put into something that is what you are going to get back from it. This is your life for a reason and you need to start finding out who you are. The only way to find out who you are is if you go through a couple of life lessons and experience new things and live how you want with no regrets. Dr. Suess said it best," Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind." I would also tell myself don't forget what made you you. All the people, places, and adversity that got you to where you are didn't happen on accident, so dont forget them.
If I was a high school senior, knowing what I now know about college life and making the transition, I would advise myself to do a lot better academically and also be more adamant in search of scholarships. The burdens of financial struggles to attend my school is something I would not want anyone to deal with. If I had a won a scholarship such as this one in high school, I could ease some of the stress away from myself and my mother who is solelty trying to help pay for my tuition. Needless to say, all high schools senior should constantly hunt for scholarships and continue to do perform to the best of their ability academically because the work definitely doesn't stop in college.
I would tell myelf that Saint John is very fun college. It consist of a lot of work and some sleepless night. It is worth the stress. St. John offers a lot of oportunities to it' students so take advantage of it.
Knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would give myself very good advice. To begin, I would be sure to tell myself to manage my time well and work hard to make the best grades that I could make. I would also be sure to point out that sometimes in these next two years I will feel like everything is tumbling down on me all at once, but I would most definitely tell myself not to worry, everything will fall in place just keep pushing through. Knowing from experience now, I would be sure to mention that making the transition from high school to college is a major step. Experiencing this my first semester in college was a challenge for me. But I have realized that sometimes things take hard work, when things happen you just have to be able to find that drive deep inside and work hard with everything you have. If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, this would be the advice that I would give myself after knowing about college life and having to make the transition.
I honestly wouldn't change much of what I did a s high school senior. I feel that I was well prepared and did almost everything I could to be prepared in transitioning into college life. However, if I did have to tell myself one thing it would be to save, save, save and be prepared to pay for books, food and going out.
Take a breath. Don't allow these next four years to pass as if you're merely a passenger along for the ride. You're in control of this journey and if you work hard, your efforts will pay off. Don't compromise yourself or your principles. It's too easy for some to make the wrong decisions. This road will be long and winding, filled with many obstacles, but the key to your success rests with you. Sets goals for yourself and make them reality. Strive to live a life of purpose and meaning. Give your all to every endeavor. Never allow anyone to give you any idea that you can't do whatever it is you want to do, or be whomever you wish to be. There will be days that are overwhelming, but never forget to take it all in. Learn all you can from the wonderful friends and mentors you will meet along the way. They will shape your life impermeably and forever.