Work hard and stick to it, you can't imagne what you'll get done!!!
I would tell myself to pass the classes. Also to go straight to college. It would be better than getting married and having a baby. Because all of that puts your life on hold and you have to take care of your son. Also that I should try and get a good job and then plan my future. Make the best of my young years. try not to rush into married life. And do the best that i could do in everything.
The only advice I would give myself is to make sre I enjoy what I do. Make sure to take classes and participate in activities I enjoy doing and not do things because I think it will help me in the future. At times the things you think will help you the most, do not help you at all. The most important part of college is to have fun while gaining a great education.
To keep a more open mind, and not to rely on the influence of other people to interact and make friends. I am my own greatest motivator, and should take that at great lengths.
Stay in school, keep focused and go straight to college so I can graduate and begin my career.
Firstly, I would have to prepare myself for the work load. As an art major, you get used to choosing between eating that day, or sleeping. You can't do both. I have multiple classes that are 3 hrs long and meet twice a week. It's extremely important to be well organized and stay focused. I'd tell myself to get a small planner and get used to writing things down in it. Procrastination has to be the worst possible thing you could do to yourself. Unless you're Chuck Norris and never cave under pressure, it will come back to bite you in the butt. It's good to get a jumpstart on projects and assignments so that you can complete them to the best of your ability. My parents and I are making a lot of sacrifices so that I can become well educated and I can't let them down. Most importantly, I can't let myself down. I wouldn't want to go back and scare or discourage myself , but these couple of tips probably would have helped me do just a little bit better.
I would tell myself to be aware of the friends you make. That if I wasn't happy with the choice of schooling to review other options before getting so far along in my college career. Lastly, I probably would sit down with myself and try and persuade me to seriously consider community college since I was not fully decided about my major for the purposes of money.
Expect nothing, allow everything to be new and exciting. Have fun, but always remember wat you came to school for.
No matter what, stay true to yourself and what you want to do with yourself in life. No matter what people may tell you or what influences surround you, you will never be able to truly succeed and be happy if you don't love what you do.