St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What should every freshman at St John’s University-New York know before they start?


i think they would say that the most important thing is to find a college where you can learn the most to become a professional one day and to find the right environment to feel happy and comfortable the time you will be in school, so i consider it is very important to find also friendship, respect, and where teachers also encourage students to to their best to succeed.


The students should first start off by trying to closely figure out what their passion in life is, and then choose about four to eight colleges that offer not only courses in this interest area, but also campus activities and services geared toward your future goals, and apply. Among those choices, make an effective and economically reasonable decision by both the parents and the students. Apply for as many scholarships humanly possible! They will most definitely come into great use. Take advantage of what your campus has to offer you academically and socially. I would suggest living on campus, if only for your first year; the experience should not be taken for granted, and is a beautiful one. Become actively involved in your campus community, and most important, be a leader. It is so easy to follow direction and influence, but the real task in life is succeding in a leadership position. Be assertive, determined, goal-oriented, and a positive role model for your student body to pattern themselves after.


Many people say not to worry about how much it costs to go to any particular school. I completely disagree now that I am in that financial situation. I would say to consider state colleges or public colleges over private colleges. I would also recommend to make sure they have enough options for you in terms of what you would consider to be your major.


consider about what you really want to do in ther future career.


Start early, plan ahead, and take your time making your decision.


Finding the right college can be extremely stressful. I was unable to attend my first choice college at first due to financial reasons. However, the best advice I would give to a student is to visit multiple campuses before choosing one. The reason for this is because you will feel something when you are there that you simply can not feel by looking at pictures. It is through that feeling that you will know if that college is "the one" or not. For the parents, I would say to not be afraid of the choice their student is making. They may pick a school too far away to visit home on a regular basis, or they make choose a school that you wouldn't have. The important thing to know is that the student is making their own decision, the one that they feel will bring them the most happiness. Also, to make the most of the college experience, I could only say two words: GET INVOLVED. For most, there is a much wider variety of things to get involved with in college than they ever expected. Do not let this overwhelm you; instead, use this to help you grow.


Good researh and your gut will give you a great college...Don't allow frivolous things to distract you from what you really want in a school such as school spirit, good location, and a quality education in the field you wish to pursue. Try to picture yourself actually living and interacting with the students there when you tour the campus. Give financial aid and cost to attend a lot of consideration but don't let it be the deciding factor. College loans allow you to pay off over a long period of time so the most important thing is to enjoy your 4 years there and get the most out of your education so that you can suceed in the future. Most importantly, I believe you have to follow your gut. If, for some reason or another, think you should go to a certain school...follow it. There is a reason you end up where you do and it will ultimately lead you to the friends you will have for a lifetime, education to begin a fruitful career and life lessons you cannot replace. Happy hunting!


be sure your child know what major she wants to accomplish


The best advice I can give is save your money for college and what you will need while in school. Also, students should talk to their parents about school and their social lives everyday, it really helps through the transition period. Students should study a lot, go to classes, and always hand in their work. Join organizations; be a part of the school's activities because it really makes college so much better. Parents, do activities with your kid, care about how they are doing in school and support them in anything they choose to do when dealing with school if it can help them later in life after college. Also, parents should try to participate in activites with their child as much as they can because it shows that you care and support what your child is doing. Finally, students should choose a school they really will love and do the best they can while attending that school.


My advice for students would be, it is not only important to excell academically but to get involved. Involving yourself on campus will make your college career and give you a better background and more knowledge of yourself and others.