If I can go back in time and see myself as a highschool senior, I woul tell him that you make sure that the first thing in your mind is the work that you are going to do in college. I would tell him that he should not be worried because I am doing well in college. As a person I sometimes get really nervous about things. I would tell him do not worry because as long you take the class seriously you will be fine. There would be advise about diversity and different ways of thinking. Respect is very important and I think you should treat everybody with respect no matter where he or she is from. Me as a senior should be aware of diversity because in like people will always have to interact with different people. In college I do respect other people. That is all I would tell him.
I would tell myself to focus mainly on improving my SAT score and worry less about average. I would also tell myself to start researching on colleges during early senior year or during the end of my junior year. During my actual senior year, I rushed through my applications. Also I would tell myself to fill out all the scholarships offered to me by colleges that had accepted me. I made a change last minute on the college I choosed to go, and still regreted it. Tuition came smacking behind my head afterwards, and emptied my piggy bank I have been saving nearly my entire life. Also remember to fill out fasfa and tap as soon as possible. I had no idea that I did not fill out TAP and it gave me a headache on my first semester of college.
If I could go back in time to my senior year in high school I would not want to change anything I had done when applying to colleges. During my senior year in high school I decided to pursue my dreams by putting my major as psychology on all of my college applications. I decided that I would fulfill my own dreams, not everyone else?s dreams. I wanted to become a psychologist; however my parents wanted me to become pediatrician. As a senior in high school, I had told myself that I would follow my dreams and I am glad that I did just that. For all those seniors in high school I would just like to tell them to follow their dreams to reach their ultimate goals in life.
If i could back in time a will tell myself to write more beacuse the essays are hard and long. To be in college you need to know how write well because for all if not most classes you need to write essays wether the class has to do with writting or not. I would also tell myself to get used to staying up late because i college you stay to study, do work, or write essays. So it is hard to get a good night sleep or even sleepp at all.
If I could go back to my high school self and tell her something I know now about college, it would be to get involved early. It took me until second semester of my first year to really get involved into organizations that have helped me create lasting friendships. It has also given me experience that could be used in real life, as well as in my future.
I would tell myself that i need to get ahead of the game, and to go and apply for as many scholarships as you can, and finish A+. Because something bad is going to happen and the army wont accept you, and that i would have to work a year so i can get some money for college and rent and you wouldnt like working a walmart. But its a job so all and all you will make it, it will just be very stressful and you will have to work hard. Just remember not to slack off and remember that things change in drastic measures even when you don't want them to!
If i was able to go back in time and give the "high school senior me" some advice, it would be to stay true to yourself. College definately introduces you to many different cultures and personalities and it would be very easy to lose yourself in all of the diversity. At the same time trying fit in socially and keep up academically is another struggle. Knowing who you are and what you like/don't like will make for a very positive college experience. You will be able to learn new things in addition to what you already know, rather than trying to become someone you're not. I'd also tell "high school me" to stay more focused on academics than friends. Overall, my advice is to know who you are and what you're there for. Don't let anyone/anything sway or distract you.
If I were to go back in time , knowing what I know today things would be a lot different. I would have entered freshman year with a completely different mindset. Some advice I would give myself would be simple. Be open to every possibility you come across. Meet as many people and you can and become involved in as many extra-curricular activities as you can. In today's society it's all about who you know and what kinds of impressions and connections you have made. Also I would have advised myself to get into a routine. That is the easiest way to stay on top of your school work and be successful in anything you do in life. Make time for everything: Class, Studying/homework, friends, gym, work etc. Most importantly though I would say just have fun. College is supposed to be the best four years of your life so you might as well do everything you possibly can, have the best time doing it and come out successful. Before you know it, it will be time to graduate and go out into the professional world. Will you be ready?
If I could return to my senior year in high school to give myself advise about the college experience, my main piece of advise would be: ? what use to work for me in high school won?t in a college environment driven by a higher institution of learning and growing. There will be times when you cry out in frustration as you try and balance work, school, and a social life. You will experience lots of all nighters, cram sessions and study parties, but in doing so, you'll meet amazing people from all corners of the world whom you relate to universally. College is exciting, fun and open to all forms of interpretation, its also can be scary and, uncertain if you don't step outside of you?re comfort zone long enough to experience it form another angle. Iife isn?t only about being successful, and school isn?t all about getting good grades. The biggest advise I could give my high school self is: school is of the utmost importance but, do not bury yourself under books. Go out to parties, join a few clubs and enjoy being a college freshmen, the opportunity only comes once.
I would tell myself to simply pick a college that specialize in my major and have very good job placements in my field. That is really the main reason why we attend college. We attend college to prepare us for a job in the real world.