St John’s University-New York Top Questions

What should every freshman at St John’s University-New York know before they start?


First of all, I would tell myself prior to the start of my senior year that I will maintain my high-level of work in the classroom. "Senioritis" hit me early and I allowed it to put a damper of my coursework. That degression from my previous high level years became the main factor in some universities declining my application. I would also tell myself to not be to focused on the social life and finally gaining freedom from my household and really focus on ensuring my GPA is high. This is because you always want to start off strong because your GPA is harder to adjust as you move on to the next year and accumulate more credits. I would also not try to become too involved in campus organizations right away because adjusting to being a college student is already difficult enough and adding any leadership positions off the bat could hurt your time to focus on academic coursework.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a senior, I would probably give myself two pieces of advice. Number one, manage your time wisely. Senior year is the year where you'll be making extremely difficult situations and you need all the time you can to decide and take action. I would advise myself to, make a plan of action. And follow through, because it will make senior year less hectic. My second piece of advice and the most important, give yourself time to find scholarships and actually have time to complete them. The reason is because college expenses are extremely high and knowing my economic situation, I need to find as many scholarships as I can to be able to attend college. If you know how to manage your time and comply with your own plan of action, things will fall into place.


DON'T PROCRASTINATE! Take the initiative and get off your butt and get that job to save up money for books and tuition. The economy has only gotten worse over time, and every little bit of money helps. To make it easier financially on the whole family I wish i knew more about applications for outside scholarships (such as this one) so things would be less stressful. Procrastination is truly your own worst enemy, and it is a terrible work ethic to have going into college. Things build up to quickly and become overwhelming. It is important to prioritize and manage your time efficiently so you are not faced with these mountains of stress.


i would tell myself that college is not a given. it is an honor that is recieved by those who truly deserve it and it is not something to be taken lightly. you must work hard so that at the end of your time here, even if you dont do the best, you can say "i tried". i would tell myself to apply to more schools so that i had options. i would also tell myself to beware of all the distractions such as parties. these things will only lead to trouble and lack of focus. it is hard to concentrate on school work when you partied all night long and you have an early class the next day. i would advise myself to also take advantage of all of the on campus groups and activities/


I have gotten a very personal and hands on experience at Saint John's. I can honestly say that I am very happy with my decision in choosing this university. I am offered so many opportunities here that will facilitate my search for a job in the future. This is why it has been very valuable to attend this university. From the career center to the office of financial aids and further on to the college of professional studies, I have been able to acquire skills and knowledge along the way. Due to my experience and time spent here, I will be successful in the future.


My college experience has changed me in a few short months. For the first time, I'm independent. My education (as well as my laundry) is my responsibility. I took advantage of a winter intercession study abroad trip to Rome, Italy, and discovered Europe for the first time. I'll never forget what it was like to take walking tours with my peers day after day, sit in a restaurant and have trouble pronouncing my order, or be greeted with a cheerful "Bonjourno!" whenever I walked into a retail store. In Discover New York, I learned more about the homelessness problem that was right under my nose in this city all along. I've had experiences and explored academic subjects that I'd never have had without going to college at St. John's. The most obvious and complete knowledge I gained is probably of the New York City subway system. It used to be a mystery to me, but now I know it like the back of my hand!


I have gotten so much out of college so far. My year started in August 2010 and I have learned a lot already. My teachers are very motivating and they happy to help me. I have learned so much about Graphic Design. We've learned how to do layouts, and how to design things, and what we shouldn't do. The first semester we focused on visual arts; it is a big thing for Graphic Design. It helps communicate your ideas if you know how to draw. I have also learned how to communicate verbally with people. I am taking a communication class right now. I think by the end of the year, I will be amazing. This is a three-year school finishing with a BFA and I'm almost done with one year. I can't wait to see what I'll be like next year and many years after.


I have attained numerous values out of my current enrollment at Burlington County College. Attending BCC during my first semester of freshman year has facilitated my work ethic and afforded me the opportunity to improve my communication skills. Both of these values are essential for success in any endeavors that I choose to pursue. While utilizing these values during the first semester I also achieved a 4.0 GPA, which has made me ecstatic and impatient to start the second half of freshman year. Going to college is necessary in today’s world. The necessity of college is in large part the degree. The key motivation behind getting a degree is to gain a head start above the fast rising enrollment of young high school graduates into a higher educational institution. Essentially, every facet of college is extremely valuable and will further your success and potential earnings throughout your life time. I’m very grateful for the new found work ethic and the large contribution BCC has had on my personality. Although, there are still countless things I have yet to learn and goals that I have yet to achieve. However, I'm very optimistic these dreams will be achieved.


College might be a scary thought considering you don't know where exactly your classes are at because the campus is huge. Maybe even the hundreds of people walking around on campus might give you anxiety. But to tell you the truth, its not that bad at all. The best part about college is knowing that I'm recieving education to prepare me for my future. It entitles me to to realize that all this hard work will eventually route me in a successful occupation. I would be able to use my knowledge to it highest potiential by helping & improving others. Not only have I gained knowledge but also have learn alot about myself. I've learned how to prioritize my decisions when it comes to school. I'm definitely able to keep a open mind. I've met extordinary people who introduced me into different kinds of music, dance, languages, classes, etc.. In my opinion, its absolutely a wonderful experience. I never know what I'm going to learn that day or who I'm going to meet. Without a doubt, college allows me to recieve my education, interact with new faces, and overall, gives me a satifying experience.


I have found that upon completing my first semester of college, I have become a more organized individual. In high school, time management didn't really mean much to me. I hardly set aside any time to study, and I would do the majority of my homework during lunch. Once i got to college, my study habits changed dramatically. During my first semester as a freshman, I spent many hours in my schools study hall, and not because there was someone forcing me to do so. It was because I knew that it was necessary for me to be successful at this level. From my current college experience, I have realized that from now on, I will have to be the one to take the intiative.