If you know what you want to major in, then it'd be easy to find a college. But if you don't, you should find one that would benefit you.
First off students and parents should be familiarly interested in the area and facilities around the college such as a rural or busy place. After that is decided they should choose whether they want a big or small sdiverse college. If they are interested in activities check out the school that has the best program for that. The most important point to look in for a school is what you plan to major in. After that you should definately go visit the school and try to be involved in some acivities during a tour. Mostly you should be comfortable where you are.
make sure it is a good school that is affordable
It is important to feel comfortable and welcome at the school you choose and if you have an opportunity to go away or live at school, you should take that chance because you are able to learn about other cultures and ethnicities.
Go to CUNY and part-take in an honors program, don't indebt youself for the perception of prestige.
Apply everywhere you think you might be interested. If you are undecided about your major, take a look at the core classes. I wish I did, because now I can't graduate on time because of how HUGE the core load is. There is very little wiggle room for trying to decide a major and forced you to use all free credits which may later be useless, like my case. Be careful. Also, even if the student may not be interested in some things, expect your ideals to change. Potential majors may change, your view on greek life, etc.
Students, look into the college itself and make sure that it is the school that is right school for you. If possible, visit the campus and make sure that you would feel comfortable there. DO NOT choose a school based solely on the financial aid that is offered to you because some colleges offer a lot of aid the first year to entice you to come there, then you will have to take out all types of loans in subsequent years just to be able to stay in that school. Parents, make sure that you are an integral part of your child's education. Call them and check up on them to make sure that they are doing what they are supposed to. Students who are away from home for the first time may slack off or mismanage their time without the proper guidance and it is your job to make sure that your child is not one of those students. Overall, just remind your child that college is a time to mold yourself into the person you want to be later on in life, NOT a time for partying and binge drinking.
I believe one of the most important things people need to think about when choosing a college, is finding out who they are as a person. The next four years will shape the person you will become, it will influence your choices and possibliy the path that you take in life. You need to understand yourself, your needs as well as your wants for the only person who can ultimately shape your life and future is you. People sometimes think that they need to choose a certain path because that is either what has been chosen for them or it's what they believe they should do, life is about learning and making decisions for you, not anyone else. Believing in yourself, working hard and having goals is the perfect way to carve out your own future.
Parents: DO NOT MAKE THIS DECISION FOR YOUR CHILD. This is the single greatest mistake a parent could inflict upon their child. College is a part of growing up. Parents need to cut the umbilical cord already and stop desperatly scrambling for control. That being said don't do the latter of the spectrum either. College is the single scariest most exciting adventure in any young adults life. Always let your children know you will be there for them and then just be there if they need you. It is reall that simple!
Students: Have a blast! Start your own life, and don't die. Oh and open a book to if you get a chance every once in a while. These are the key elements to success at any college. You go in a kid and four years ater you get tossed out all grown up. It fies bye and then it's over... So enjoy it!
Make sure that it is the right school for the field the student would like to go into. Also make sure financial aid is effective at this school. And I would not recommend going to a Catholic University because they can alter your financial aid package based on the parents' marital status.