Make you decision about which college you will attend based on what you personality is. I would advise the high school senior to tour the campus you have in mind that way you can judge whether or not that university fits your personality or not. The better fitting your personality to the university that you attend, the more successful you will be.
Make sure that you do as much research as you feel neccessary. Parents should make sure that their children know the importance of the first year of college, and the importance of a college education in general. They should know that peer pressure will be a big issue to conquer in any college, but they should make the most mature decisions and make the best of their college years. The college experience is quite remarkable, but if you are completely prepared for it, you ensure yourself that it will be great one indeed.
Make the best choice and the right chocie
Do whatever feels right to you, not your family or friends.
I would tell the parents to encourage and support their children as much as possible, because that extra push/support does help from time to time; also, to allow their child(ren) to go to the college of their choice and not hold them back. I would tell the students to go to the school they feel the best about, and do not procrastinate on any schoolwork! If the students need help, I would encourage them to seek tutorial support or help from their fellow classmates, because they can provide a different point of view of the lecture than the professor could.
Try to find the most affordable with good teachers because if you don't make enough money it is hard to stay focused in school. Also pick a field that you want to study in, always do what makes you happy.
My advice to students is to make sure you remember what you came to college for, an education. It is easy to fall into the allure of freedom and fun; however, it is really difficult to gain academic time back that you lost. So just stay focused, all the fun never goes anywhere but time is never stationary. To parents my advice is to remember that your kids are still your kids, whether they have left the nest or not. Keep guiding them like they were still in your flock, they will need it; do not view this as an opportunity to relieve your pockets. Your child needs more guidance now than they ever did while in your care. Make sure they know that just because they are ?independent? it does not mean that further tutelage is shunned, in fact it is encouraged.
Make sure you utilize all available resources.
When selecting a college there are two primary considerations and two secondary considerations. Primarily, you want to select a college that has the best program. Secondly, discover whether campus life (relationship between students/professors, workload expectations, liberal/conservative, large/small) fit your personal preferences for a college. Once you've narrowed your choice by finding the best fit for your main concerns, you can look at the secondary considerations, which are cost, and location. While the greatest program in the world may be found in Hawaii, if you can't afford to live in that location (cost of living) and can't afford the tuition, it does you no good! This should narrow your university choices into a manageable number, and make the final decision much easier. Living on campus/near campus helps students gain the most of their college education, because it makes it easier to interact with other students, become involved in extracurricular activities, and have better access to campus resources (such as libraries/computer labs).
Make sure that the parent as well as the student understand thier financial responsibility and make sure that the college offer what you're looking for in a school. Research all of the options of all schools before you make a decision on the school that you choose to attend. Do not make a decision after the student recieve one acceptance letter from a school. If the student does not get accepted to the college of thier choice, move to the state and become a resident and then start off by taking a small class that's offered and you will be able to start taking classes toward your degree without having to continue to be denied.