I would encourage prospective college students to consider every little detail about a college before deciding upon one to attend. There is so much to consider such as the population, size, professors, classes offered, and even the food selection offered on campus. Just because a friend says something is great, the same thing could drive someone else crazy for four years. The college experience should be a time of learning in all areas of life, not just academically. Take advantage of every opportunity that comes and don't be afraid to change. Some college students are afraid of breaking free of the bonds that held them with high school friends. College is a time of learning about how successful and independent a person can be on their own in preparation for true adulthood that comes once the education is completed and it's time to begin a career.
To be yourself and try as many things as possible. College is all about what you make of it. Be friendly and open minded and you will have a great college experience. Pay attention and attend every class because professors that see a students face will remember him or her when it comes to giving out grades at the end of the semester.
The advice I would give about finding the right college is to visit as many schools as you can and really sit down and decide what is important to both the student and the parents. From first hand experience I did not look at nearly enough schools and when I did not get into my first choice college I was bummed that I had few choices. I also think it is very important to get away from home, sure the convenience is nice but you truly do learn so much about your character if you are taken out of your comfort zone. I learned more about myself in the first 2 weeks of college than I did my whole life. Do whatever feels right.
I suggest visiting the campus to get a feel of what it is like.
when you choose a pray about it first before and let god led you in the right directions.
When choosing a college take into account several things. How big do you want the class sizes? How good is the food selection and quality on campus? Are there several campus events/clubs you would be interested in? Is there a church nearby or part time jobs? How much will this cost? Most of all consider location. Going to school in another state gives you an even more diverse experience, but it is more expensive with out of state fees and flights home on holidays. Do you best to get an hour away from your parents, this will aid you in becoming an independent adult.
Once enrolled in school go to all the orientation activities. All the student there are in the same boat. Hang out with your roommate. If you don't get along with them, try switching rooms to a new friend's. Go to campus sports events, you can meet more people, be social, and save money. Join a club team. Many students are tempted to eat endlessly, excercise will keep you healthy, social, and fit. Try not to cling to your hometown friends or parents, this will only keep you homesick. Enjoy college life!
Visit the college and talk to the students that go there.
SAVE UP YOUR MONEY... you go through ALOT
to students: once you step on it, you know it's right. if you do not get that feeling, keep looking.
to parents: be patient, it's their future, not yours
Get as involved as possible