The University of Tampa Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of Tampa know before they start?


Learn to study and make time to do so!!




I didnt go to high school ,I was very bad growing up.Didnt really have a mother or father in my life i aways made bad choices.If i could go back and give myself advice i would say stay in school it's the only way you are going to make it.


As a senior, it is very important to take high school serious, make the best grades possible and be active, it will help later when filling out applications for college and jobs. Find as much information on scholarships and grants as possible. Although community college allows one to get a cheaper education, it is not always the best way to experience the true "college experience." Finding the best college or universit y that will suit your major, education, and clubs and organizations that you want to be involved in is most important. Always put your education first and be determined to do your best. Be active and get involved. Make the best of your opportunity for success.


I would like to give myself some advice on which classes that I need to take in senior year. It would have been easier if I took general courses as AP credits, so that I could work on my double major degree easier.


I know that you are going through the worst times of your life right now. Your home-life is out of control, you are overwhelmed applications and homework, your nagging injuries and illnesses are causing you humiliating performances in your last track season, and you are so exhausted that you don?t think you can keep going. Amy, I know that this is going to be hard to believe, but the struggles you?re facing and will continue to face this year will actually help you thrive in college. Your transition into college will be smoother than you think. You won?t have a hard time managing your time and college workload because you have actually done the equivalent of that in your high school years. Also, you will meet people from all over the world who will help you realize that you were blessed even in your darkest moments. No matter how hard you think your life is, someone else in this world is going through hardship you cannot even begin to imagine. Hold your head up high, Amy. You will survive high school, and you will be just fine in college.


My high school career was plagued with personal anxiety over every little thing, and that was to the detriment of my social life. I got tunnel vision towards the end of senior year, especially since I was directing the school play, and I remember wandering blankly through the streets at odd hours of the night and shutting myself off from friends and family. There was one point where I was so messed up I collapsed under a table, choking back tears. I address this heap under a table. I would say, first off, you're doing fine for where you are in life. Second, keeping high expectations for yourself is good, but bottling yourself up to the point of crisis is too much for anyone to accept. In other words, it's good to be humane to others, but also to be humane to yourself. Third, be careful not to become too bitter or jaded by high school, because that's what old age is for. Stay innocent enough to cry, but not naive enough to do it alone under a table when you're strong enough to shout out into a crowd of people and be heard. Relax. Simplify.


Looking back I find much advice I could and should have known. To start with I would tell myself, don't assume the first people you meet will become your friends. They may become aquaintences but it will take time to find those you truely connect with. I would tell myself to not be afraid to go to the cafeteria alone. Plenty of students will do it everyday and there is nothing posted on your forehead stating you are a lonely freshman. Would you rather starve?! Seek out the resources available to you as soon as possible. Knowing computer lab and library hours will help you access what you need quicker if you find yourself in a last minute situation. In fact, don't leave things until last minute. You will run around foolishly, sprint to class, and show up sweating with your tongue hanging out. Your professor will appreciate your work but will not appreciate your appearance. Lastly, do not change but allow this experience to shape you. Keep your eyes and mind open. You will be introduced to new situations and outlooks, embrace them rather than turn your back to them. Try new experiences.


Be true to you.


I would suggest to get all the information you can and apply to as many schools as you can even if you don't think you will get into your dream school, still apply because you never know. I would suggest to ALWAYS visit the school and see what the surrounding area is like before you choose your school. I would also suggest to live on-campus, its a whole new experience and it makes being social and active easier plus you don't have to wake up as early to get to class!