Choosing the right university will have a deep impact in the future. Therefore, I would strongly recommend to keep the expectations present at all times and resarch every school aspect. Including financial aid, tutoring, class sizes and diversity as well as the very important aspect of job placement ratio after graduation.
Take as many opportunities as possible because once your time there is over, you can never get it back!
Visit the college first, but do not make a decision on your first impression. Take advantage of school programs, especially study abroad. Do everything that you want, and worry about cost and consiquenses later. This is the best and only time in your life that you can do most of these things.
Make sure that the school is a
My advice to parents and students is to tour the propespective school and talk to the students not just the tour guides. Most of the students will answer honestly when it comes to their opinions on their university or college. They would also want to pack sparingly, most dormrooms tends to be on the smaller side and most students bring stuff they will never use in their years here.
In order to find the right school they must first look at themselves and ask what it is that they truely want and need. In order to find a perfect match they must spend a few days at the choice schools and really get a feel for the campus community and the students. They can take a tour if they want, but I suggest just walking around on the campus by themselves first. They need to ask themselves a series of questions before the tour guides drill information into their heads. Do they feel safe walking around? Do they feel comfortable with the setting, people, buildings, and the area surrounding the campus? Lastly, they must keep in mind the the campus must allow the student to change with his/her settings and be flexible, if a college or university can't be flexible and give the student what they want for their whole time there then it shouldn't be one of their choices because it is often very difficult to get all your credits to transfer and why waste time and money? If you're not absoultley positive you'll be happy then it's not worth it.
The most important thing to remember is balance balance balance. So many freshman go into school so pre-occupied about fitting in, making new friends, the classes, or the social life that they focus solely on their fear. Even though its difficult at first, you need to learn how to manage everything and balance it. Its tough to learn when to go out and have fun and when you need to bat down and study for that huge exam even though you may not want to.
Talk to the students on the campus instead of just those who are giving you the tour of the campus.
If you're having issues picking the right college, go tour all of your options and pick the one that most allows you to be you.
I believe that there is no one key that a person can tell another student about choosing the right college because it is an individual experience and varies with every student. But I think something that helped me while choosing the University of Tampa was to be true to myself in what I wanted in a school, not what my friends or family wanted, but what I wanted! I made a list of attributes of schools that I wanted to look for. Tampa fufilled each one of them and that's why I am 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} satisfied with my choice. While at the school of your choice I would simply say, make the most of it. This is one of the only times of a person's life that they really only have to focus on theirselves. So I have and will continue to enjoy my college experience to the fullest by using every opportunity that my school gives me. Whether it's taking part in a group or just laying out by the pool with friends, making the most of your college experience is just going out there and doing something with this special time in life!