I look back on my high school career with a significant amount of remorse. There are a thousand things that I wish I could go back and fix. However that's not the case, and every moment that I spent in indignant reflection was merely another moment in the present that I was wasting. I can't go back, I can't start over, but I can apply the things I learned so that I never make the same mistakes again. I created a list of 4 things that I would use everyday to help me self-actualize and gain the satisfaction with my life that I needed. Number one: go out of my way everyday to meet new people and experience new things. Number two: never alienate the people I love, including friends and family. Number three: do more of the things I love, including surfing, drag racing, and big wall rock climbing. Number four: never waste another minute to innactivity. So much wisdom and self- realization lies in nature. You need to get out and push your comfort zone to find it. I just wish I could send those four rules back to myself, but I can't.
Work harder my last year than the other three years of high school.
I would of told myself to do community service so I could get more benefits from my current scholarship. I would also have told myself to do the AP classes that I didnt want to take.
I would tell myself to start developing a better study habit.
If I could go back and talk with myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to pick a major between your freshman year and sophmore years of college after you have visited the career services center on campus and spoken with different students or graduates in the field your interested in. And do not wait until your junior year to put in your major because you will be behind.
Education is freedom.
I would definitely tell myself to enjoy college, but be careful of many things. I would tell myself to make sure to do as well as possible in all academics, not to procrastinate, and value everything. I would also make sure I did more research into major choices before picking one based on where I think my interests lie. I would also make sure I learned all about the less pleasant realities of college and what can happen, and ensure I educated myself and all of my friends on the dangers of sexual assault and stress that you really can never trust anyone, so they should watch out for themselves and each other.
I would say study harder, get more involved, and to just relax; these are going to be the best four years of your life.
The only advice that I would give myself would be to become more open. College is one of best times of your life and yet is only last 4 years. That is a really short period of time. Go out and do things that you have never done before. Grow and explore who you truly are. Become a leader and let your friends come to you. In college you are going make some of your best friends so do not be afraid to talk or hang out with anyone. The person that may look like the type of person you would want to hang out may not be the friend you are looking for. It's going to be the people you least expect that are going to become your best friends. Drop the shyness and learn to live and have fun. If you do this from the beginning your college experience will be even more enjoyable than what it is. Though just make sure you do complete your school work and go to class. Have fun, just not too much fun.
I would advice myself to always strive to succeed, never to settle. I would tell myself to continue to be outgoing and try new things because you never know what new things can lead to if you never try them. I would stress the importance of education in my life and the importance of time management and good communication skills in every aspect of life. Above all, I would tell myself that no matter what happens, when the going gets tough, to always keep your friends close and to have some time for yourself to relax because if you never have time for yourself or your friends you won't be truly happy and the struggles you face in college will overwhelm you.