The University of West Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of West Florida know before they start?


A wealth of knowledge about different topics. From chemistry to anatomy and even law it's been a great experience and I'm really lucky to be able to experience all of this. I believe every person should be able to learn and experience they way I have, and I plan on using this opportunity to make a great future for myself.


All-in-all, college has been an amazing experience for me. I've never been a bad student, but I've also never been THE best. Now I am, and it's something I feel extremely proud of. Being out on my own has given me a new respect for what I achieve; therefore I'm trying to achieve all that I can. So far, I'm doing it well. In High School, living at home... I felt like my achievements reflected my parents as much as they reflected me. In reality, that hasn't changed from my transition from there to here, but it feels like it has. I guess that is all that matters, really. Now I am in charge of all that I do and in order to prove myself, I've made quite a few changes. I'm more organized, more driven, I do more research and more planning, I care more about safety, and am more careful with money. I also still relay all that I do to my parents, considering that is their right since they're funding this experience. Simply put, I've grown greatly as a person since college began.


College has done a lot for me. First off it has allowed me to work with people who are still active in their craft. I get first hand experience and can shape myself into what I want to become. I also have been broadened to schools of thought that I personally enjoy and take vested interest in. I've been able to read great works of literature and the be taught things about them that I would have never thought of. College has truly made me into a well-rounded intellectual and philosophical actor, and I personally believe the opinions and knowledge that one is exposed to in college is extremely wonderful to the molding of a human mind and imagination.


I began college in August 2009 and since then I have changed a lot as a person. I believe that this has occured due to my college experience. I believe that the most value experience I have gotten from college is my outlook on my life. When I began college I was dependent on my family and my boyfriend. As my college career continued and I moved into the dorm rooms I was forced away from them. Through my classes and the dorm life, I learned to become independent. My classes have also expanded my knowledge on the way the world works. I have learned to relax and have fun, but to be disciplined in my work.


I have gotten a lot from attending college. I realize the responsibilities i now hold as being on my own. At first, it was a scary experience but now it has grown on me. I love that i am able to do what i want without the worry of parents but it has also taught me that what my parents have told me to do over the past years does really effect me as to the person i am now. I realize i still adopt some of the things that my mom told me i should and should not do. It is really an eye-opening experience that i now take with me everywhere i go. Another thing is that i realized how much I really miss home. As a high schooler, i couldn't wait to get out of school and be on my own, but now, i miss my own room and the freedom of living with people i know instead of a roommate.


I have only been atending school for about 3 months, but within that 3 months i have learned so much more than i expected. I learned the anatomy and physiology of all 11 organ systems in the body. Way more then i expected. I am learning fast, witch will get me into a better carrer quicker. If i keep going to classes and if i learn everything they have to teach, ill better my life and the life of my unborn child in no time.


My college experience has most certainly been an eye-opening one. I have had tears, cries, laughs, sickness, and great memories! All of those experiences have made me the individual I am today. With college comes a newfound independence, and through trial and error I have learned, and am still learning, how not to abuse that independence. Attending college is a journey that I have had the privilege of partaking on. On this journey through life I have learned so much about self and what it means to be a young woman of color. I embrace my journey, my story, my testimony--because without it I cannot give a definite account of what makes me unique! College can be summed up in one word--GROWTH, and with each day I grow mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Each experience is an opportunity to learn and better myself. College has essentially come to be an emotional rollercoaster that I'm addicted to!


I have learned more in the past year and a half at college than I have in my entire 19 years of living. I have learned the importance of multi-tasking, making friends, and most of all that it really pays off to work hard. There have been many times that I have found myself at my job studying for an upcoming test. College feels like it drains your life, but I know that my hard work will pay off when I walk across the stage in two years to receive my degree. I wouldn't have survived my college years without the friends I have made while at school. While college is extremely fun, it is also tough and takes a lot out of you. My great friends have helped me get through everything, and I have been there to see them through their problems as well. Overall, I wouldn't change my college experience for anything.


When I left for college I was beyond excited to get away. All I wanted to do was grow up. But after being here at UWF, after choosing not to pay for an expensive art school (SCAD), I realized that I made too rash of a desicion. If I could go back to high school I wouldn't let something like money deter me from going to my dream school. While I will be going there in January, being here at UWF has taught me a valuable lesson about doing what you need to do for yourself, and really honestly following your dreams. I'm glad I didn't put school off, and have gotten the best grades out of my semester here at UWF, but the most valuble thing I got out of attending UWF was learning that I belonged at SCAD.


Work ethic. This is the main word I would use to describe what I have gotten out of my college experience thus far. Classes are not always easy, classmates easy to work with, nor the instructors easy to learn from, but learning how to work in these type situations is most necessary. The work place will not fall into line with the views or desires of the employees, but being able to last in a position that is not considered fun or exciting is what is required out of a good employee. Today many young people have not learned simple work ethic. When a job gets tough, or even when classes get tough, the average young person simply quits. The invaluable lessons in work ethic I have learned from my parents and teachers at Weatherford College help keep me going when most young people would quit. I know this will stand me in good stead once I get my degree and join the work force in the accounting industry because I will have already learned the single most important lesson of all time.