The University of West Florida Top Questions

What should every freshman at The University of West Florida know before they start?


I would say to study a lot more because it only gets harder. To also plan your classes right and keep some electives for when you have junior and senior level classes, so you have a easy laid back class with the hard ones. Also to do study groups more because they are a great help. I would also addt that you should research the career you want more because the economy has a lot to do with how sucessful your career will become.


It is imperative to attend classes in college. It is not like high school in the least. The instructors are willing to help you but they will not hold your hand and coddle you. Work hard and be diligent and you will have a somewhat stress free college experience.


If I could go back in time to talk to my myself when i was a senior in high school, I would tell my self not to leave things to the last minute. I would say "Lucy, make sure that you fill out all the applications on time because if you want to get into your first choice school you can not wait until the end of the year to do it. I would continue to say that if i were not to do this i would not be attend Florida State. If i knew then what i know now, i believe that i would be at my first chocie school and not at my second. I would also tell my self that i need to put in more effort in to voulenteer hours because it will help with future scholorships. I would also tell my self that college is not as scary was people make it seem. I would also say to apply for as much scholarships as possibel. The final thing i was would say to myself would be to always strive to do my best even when the going gets tough. Good luck to my self. Goodbye


Well Bryce, you are going to have a child with your ex girlfriend in the beginning of your sophmore semesters. Don't worry, you will freak out and have to drop out and go back home to a community college. Trust me though it was the right thing to do. Roommates don't understand untill they have to go through it themselves. It becomes to be the best spiritual opportunity ever given. You are still able to attend school and It's great. When it comes to advice, I have none. You will feel abandoned, lost, and constant depression. Do not fear this, it is a trial that will be conquered, and trust me you can't see yourself 3 years later still with the roomies. thank God. Peace Self.


If I could go back in time and give advice to myself, I would say to take your SATs , and apply for colleges NOW. Don't wait until the last minute. Go to the college you want to go to. Learn good study and organization habits now, and become best friends with your alarm clock (you will hate it later). Work alot during the summer and save that money don't spend it, you will need it for books and school supplies later, oh and to survive! When you get to college don't sit in your dorm room and watch tv, go out and make new friends. So when you can't go home for the weekend you have someone to be with other than your computer and television. Other than all this learn to have fun, college is work, but it will be the best time of your life, and you will miss it when it is gone (so I am told).


If I could go back, I would surely tell myself not to give up and finish my education. It is the most important thing someone can do for themselves. There are very few employment opportunities today that do not look for a college education. It is the only real way to better oneself and to get ahead in life. I did not finish my degree the first time I attended college and now regret it. I have now enrolled again and think that it is the best thing I have done for myself and family. By pursuing my education, I will be able to provide a solid future for my children and give them the life they deserve. My best advice to myself and others is to seek support and advice if things get hectic. Do not give up, keep pushing yourself forward.


Going back in time I would sit myself down and have a long talk. The first matter I would address is scholarships. As a high school student I knew they were important, I just didn?t realize HOW important. A lot of students end up working their way through college, but as a science major I just can?t find the time. Senior year I should have devoted AT LEAST an hour a week looking and applying for scholarships. That way I would have more time relaxing and doing things I want to be doing without having to worry about how much money a roll of toilet paper cost. As far as the transition goes, I would tell myself not to worry. My dorm is like a family. I share a room with my ?sister? which of course has its ups and downs. Siblings down the hall that pick on you and siblings up the hall that protect you. There are over dramatic sisters and troublemaking brothers. And, of course, older members of the family who give you advice on how to survive college. Keeping these things in mind I would tell myself not to freak out. You?ll survive.


I would tell myself to end the relationship I had. I would say to do any extra credit that a teacher gives no matter your grade in the class. That playing soccer and school is going to be very demanding and make sure that I manage my time better and that i will find great friends also to have a budget of how much you want to spend a month so have enough money to last the school year. To be open to the diversity at UWF because there are so many things that you will learn that is so interesting and that not everyone one is born from a military family and have good morals, and to be understanding of how others are raised. The last thing i would say is to enjoy and just remember who I am and who raised me , and that no matter what my lord and savior will always be here for me, and to never feel alone.


The advice I would give myself as a highschooler would be to stay focused and organized in college. Although college is fun and there are many social events, I would tell myself to not focus on just having fun. Although I am a good student, there are times when I chose other things over studying or doing homework. So I would tell myself to work first, and play later. I know my college experience will be great no matter what, but it will be even greater if I reach my full potential as a student.


I would tell myself not to worry. Everyone is very friendly and inviting and is willing to help with any problems or questions that you may have. Work hard but do not stress out too much about everything that is going on at once. Do not procrastinate! It will only make things worse. Buy a planner and be organized from the start. If you are having problems speak to the professor. It is never as bad as you think. Most importantly, enjoy yourself and do your best. You are going to make some great friends!