Knowing what you are going to college for saves a lot of time and money. It's better to go to college when you are ready. Look for scholorships and avoid student loans. Make youself count at your University. Applying yourself is key. Don't just be satisfied with a "C ". It's more rewarding with an "A" or a "B". It really helps out your GPA. Don't be afraid to go the extra mile. Push yourself to complete the task. Put in your mind that you will graduate. Set a date. Talk to your advisor regularly. Make sure you are on track. Set long term and short term goals. Don't wait until the last minute to study. Study 30 minutes to an hour each day. Stay ahead of the class. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be Involved in campus activities. Be positive. Be optimistic. Don't be influenced by your peers, unless it is positive. Try to hang around like minded people. People who have a common purpose and goal. This helps the process go by a lot smoother. If at first you don't succeed try again. Make the next grade count.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I wouldn't have too much advice to give. The only thing I would tell myself would be to take more AP classes or do dual enrollment! Back then, such things seemed like a small bonus, but something that wouldn't affect me too much in the long run. Now that I am here, I realize just how wrong I was. Every little thing you can do to improve your future early on helps--from gpa, to college credit, to extracurricular activities that may win you a scholarship. The earlier you get to work on your future, the easier your future just falls into place. The harder you work in the beginning, the less work there is ahead of you in the end. It is a big deal; no matter how small it seems, it is a big deal.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior with the knowledge I gained from my first year in college I would tell myself to relax. Before I went to college I was nervous about being away from home for so long in a place I didnt know with roommates I hadnt met while trying to make good grades at college. It was strange at first but I adapted quickly and made many friends. I even managed to make straight a’s in college. I would tell myself to keep my chin up because crazy things will happen. My roommates and I hit it off at first but things quickly went south to the point of having to change rooms. It was extremely frustrating but I got through it by keeping my chin up. The most important thing I would tell myself is to hang out with friends as much as possible. Dorm rooms are very small and sharing that space is not easy. Leaving the dorm room and hanging out with friends as a stress reliever can really save your sanity. All in all the transition from high school to college just takes perseverance.
I would tell myself, college is harder then high school and be prepaired from the start. I would also tell myself, college should always be a top prority. Never let the small things get in your way. Stay focused and your goals will be achieved.
If I could go back in time, I would tell my high school self to prepare to study hard in college. College courses are rigorous and difficult at times so students have to study very hard to get good grades. Grades are very important in college because it determines if you can get to a good graduate school or not. I would also tell my high school self to prioritize my time wisely in college. In my first year of college, I did not utilize my time right and so I didn't get the good grades I was accostomed to in high school. From that mistake, I learned to study very hard every chance I get. Lastly, I would also tell my high school self to enjoy every aspect of college. College is about exploring your options in life and taking every opportunity that comes to you. Looking back, I would have been more involved in school activites and joined more clubs. The people that you meet in college might be a part of your life in the long run.
Simply put, keep fighting and do not lose heart. You see everyone around you slacking off, partying with their friends, and throwing in the towel. You are part of a small group that sees what the real essence of the college experience entails. The way you study, how you dedicate yourself to service and Taekwondo, you understand that college will be a rush to get your degree. A word of warning, though; be prepared to step it up. Mercy is limited in college and so is time. If you thought you watched the clock with anticipation and fever before, some of your classes will intensify that feeling twofold; the same is true wih service and application deadlines. However, know this; your battle is not in vain. You will strive to make a much better life for yourself and enrich your surrounding environment with a career you love to invest time in. In addition, everyone that thought they were the greatest and spent their time partying, drinking, and throwing precious time away, those who once claimed to be your friends, they will be struggling so much. Proactiveness and a will to fight is the crucial key. Everyone at college shares that.
My advise to my senior high school self, is that if I had to change one thing it would be hold of on joining the military and take the ROTC scolarship that I was offered and go to UWF. Back in 2003 the economy wasn't terrible and once I graduated college the military would have taken me with open arms as an officer.
Take more AP classes in order to prepare for an easier transition to college life.
I would take school more seriously now than I did then. I thought then that college wouldn't be too hard, and I end up dropping three Ds and an F, all in Math-related classes. Now, I know that I need to study harder.
I would tell myself to learn time management. Being a student athlete at the college level is a whole new ball game, and you have to balance school work, six hours of study hall, and two a day practices for the entire fall semester. It is a lot to handle and I would tell myself that you need to plan your homework, don't put anything off, and make sure you stay on top of all your classes. I would also say to make sure you still give 110{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} to soccer, and then just as much effort into you school work.