Are you kidding? Anyone and everyone should attend this school! There is a great cultural, gender, belief, and ethnicity diversity. Everyone is treated as equals here and everyone respects others!
Based on the diversity of people that I've met throughout my experience at the University of Arizona, I think that anybody can attend this school. I have met individuals on campus from all types of backgrounds. I think that the only type of student who shouldn't attend the school is anybody who is not willing to work hard to get an education. Students should be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.
A person that is not dedicated to the simple act of going to class should not attend the University of Arizona. Some of the classes have over a thousand students...but your professors will still expect you to be in class, even if they wouldn't notice your absence. You may be able to pass a class without going, but if you want to do more than "get by," be prepared to go to every class.
The kind of person that i believe should not attend this school is someone who dosen't really care about there academic carrer. Here at the University of Arizona classes have become very full and i know for a fact that several of the students taking up those spots in class do not want to be here. The last thing a university needs is more people taking spots from students who actually do care. I am sure to everyones disbelief U of A is more than just a party school if you really put an effort in.
This university is very open to all incoming students. It is fair to say, not just this school, but all colleges and universities, students shouldn't attend if there is no motivation. There has to be reason why anyone should take upon the task of achieving a better education if that isnt enough for him or her to start off with.
Everyone should attend this school.
someone looking for a lot of academic competition...very laid-back in competition between grades.
I believe the only person that should not attend the University of Arizona is one who can not properly balance out their social life and their school work. There many different ways that a student can be distracted and have a good time at the school, but not taking ones work seriously can have severe consequences. For the most part, homework will not consume a students whole life, but it is something can not be ignored either. Other than that, I can not think of any limitations on a person joining the University of Arizona.
A person who belives that it is okay to ride the coat-tails of a benefactor & not do the required work necessary to complete a program of study, disobey academic integrity policy, and/or somebody who is just generally rude, biggoted, & doesn't believe in the inherent worth and dignity of all human beings regardless or race, sexual orientation, political affiliation, social standing, etc.
A person who isn't interested in trying to really learn and understand the material being taught to them. Basically a person who is just trying to recieve a piece of paper stating they have a degree in something.