You should not attend this school if you want a very small hometown feel. It is a large campus and everyone is very friendly but if you are not comfortable in large places this is not a good idea for you.
A person shouldn't attend this school if they like cafeteria food. The University of Arizona is the only school to have not cafeteria that students can eat at. There are countless restaurants and fast food places available that are surrounding and inside the school. This provides an atmosphere for a fun, relaxed night life. Also, if a person can't handle hot weather then they shouldn't go to any school in Arizona.
It's hard to imagine a person who would not do well at the University of Arizona. This school really does have something for everyone. With hundreds of clubs and organizations, it's nearly impossible to not find something to interest you. From physics to journalism, from atmospheric sciences to dance, over 150 majors provide enouh oppurtinuity to keep a student occupied. I guess the only reason a person would not enjoy the Ua would be if they hate the heat and sun. UA may not have snow but it does have seventy degree winters. What's not to like?
I believe that the University of Arizona is a great institution and only a well dedicated student should attend it. If you don?t like the warm summer heat of the desert than this school is definitely not for you. If you?re the type of student that likes that one on one interaction with your teacher then you should attend a school that has a smaller amount of students per class, because we have classes as big as 500 students per classroom.
I think that if someone is looking for a small campus atmosphere they should not attend the University of Arizona. There are a lot of people attending this school and there are always many different activities. Also if you are not big on a social scene then this school probably isn't the best for you. Also sports is a big part of the college life here so if you don't really care either way about college sports then this probably wouldn't be the best school.
Anyone who enjoys the big, urban city should not attend this school. Tucson is a run-down city without the elements of much urban/suburban life. Students who do not have any interest in joining greek life (fraternity nor sororoity) should not attend this school because a majority of the undergraduate social life is associated with these groups.
Students who lack an open mind shouldn't attend the Unversity of Arizona. Everything here shows multifarious perspectives. The assortment of students here demonstrate the amount of discovery that can one can experience. Clubs constantly spread the word for their passions and encourage others to take an interest in them. Also, students should be committed students. Academics are important in university life and it is imperative to take it seriously. On many occasions, some classes require up to 3 hours per credit hour of study.
Someone who is unmotivated, negative and does not want to learn more about themselves, others and their education.
The kind of personwho shouldn't attend this school is one that wants to slack off and dislikes studying and putting in effort.