I have learned alot from my college experience, but the most important has been independence and the true feeling of responsability. While in college, I am 2,000 miles away from my parents and nearest family members. I must be able to make my own decicions regarding to do homework or not, go out with friends the night before a test, go get medicine when I am sick, etc. There are alot of good influences and positive activities to do on campus. At the same time there are times when people offer you drugs and alcohol, and invite you to parties. Throughout my life I have never experimented with drugs or alcohol, and when being peer pressured, it is important for myself to stand with my beliefs and say NO!
It has been valuable to attend the University of Arizona because here I can major in Animal Science and earn a Bachelor's degree which is very important to not only my family but myself.
When you walk on to the campus you feel a sense of well being. You feel like somebody important, somebody who can change the world. When you look around you see other students of all colors, sizes and shapes. We do not criticize each other because of how we look but of how we act. We are all well educated and we are all equal. Since attending college I have gained knowledge, confidence and most importantly motivation. For me it has been so valuable since attending because of the motivation I have gained, when I am having a rough day only motivation can turn it around. Motivation is the reason we live for, it is what keeps all of us living and wanting to become a more better person.
When I am not in the classroom I am volunteering in the community. I love to give back to the community whether it is raising money for an organization, walking for a cause, or helping underprivileged kids. Volunteering was never something I was forced to do as a child; it’s something that I feel is a part of who I am as a person. I love being involved and that’s the reason why I never have any free time. The College of Education has provided me with many opportunities through out my years here and I can’t thank my advisors enough. When I was a Freshman I had a mentor but unfortunately she never was there for me and when I had questions I didn’t know who to ask, so when I became a sophomore I decided to become a Peer Mentor. I wanted to become more involved in the College so I decided to become a College of Education Ambassador. I love having people contact me with questions and being able to interest younger students in the idea of going to college and that it is a goal everyone should consider.
I've learned that college is much similiar to the real-world. Im out on my own without many of my friends or family members. I can either choose to attend class or miss out on a much needed education, either way my decision effects me. Just as a regular job, it's your choice not to go work, but the decsion will effect you. I also learned that college is a big responsibilty and such responsibility requires effort and motavation. Without the two you are bound to a negative outcome. You have to believe that you can do it before you just take a leap. This information is very valuable to me because it allows me to be open-minded and have faith in my goals. This experience helped me to know that I can do anything as I believe.
I have become more of a business professional and I have truly focused in on what is important to me and what I would like to get out of life. The University of Arizona has made college affordable for me. I love attending this unviersity for that reason. They have opened many doors and new ways of thinking.
i have gained a lot of knowledge in several different areas. i have became more educated about different studies and have learned to understand that we live in a broad world of opportunitied and that with hard work and persistence educational goals can be accomplished. my experience at my current college has definitely been valueble to me because after years of contemplating on my future plans, i have been able to see the fruit my commitment towards my educational plans.
My college experiance so far is excellent. I enjoy the feeling that there are thousands of like minded individuals that are pursuing some form of higher eduacation. That they settle not for what only high school can offer but wish to expound on the foundation of "pre-requisite" work. I take delight in the pride of being a "wildcat" and feel a sense of familiarity amongst the people that have attended the great University of Arizona. Although I find myself at this university much later than hoped for, this experiance brings great value to me. I have in front of me, an opportunity to gain the knowledge to better myself and in turn better my family. I go to class evert time knowing that when I finish my program I will have made great strides for a better future for not only my immediate family, but for the people around me as well. In a time where education seems to be at a high cost, there are costs that cannot be measured when in comes to stability in the home. I wish to contine to bring stability to my home and through this university's education, I will acomplish it.
I've learned a lot about helping others. Helping others is going to help when I get in the workforce.
My college experience has given me many valuble things. First of all I have met some of my very best friends while attending classes at the University of Arizona. These are friends that I know will be around for the rest of my life and that truly means a lot to me. I have also learned an enormous amount about the workings of the world around me. My classes and my experiences in college have not only taught me valuble lessons about philosophy or biology or economics, I have also learned how to get the most out of life. I have learned how to go out and learn the things I want to learn about and to live the life that I want to live. In the end that is what I came to college for, and education and a direction in life.
Considering that I graduated from high school 27 years ago, the idea of embarking on a higher education adventure at my "ripe old age' was a bit intimidating, to say the least. None-the-less, I took the assessment exams to see where I "fit in" and was pleased to have qualified for the honors program in each area except math. I enthusiastically began my classes and quickly discovered that I wasn't the only older student on the block and despite the generation gap, had little difficulty relating to my younger peers. As semesters come and go, the familiarity of classmates past and present still provoke a reminiscent chat about endless hours of study group or lab reports or tearing our hair out over that incomprehensible math concept!...other times it's a night out with those whom I now call friends. I will complete my associates degree soon and hopefully, on to the UofArizona in January. I value the diversity of people, the complexity of subjects, and the unforgetable memories, but above all, a renewed sense of worth, confidence, and appreciation for myself and the abilities that I thought previously were unattainable personal goals. Never stop learning!