i would to myself to be more focused and take things more serious. college is a lot about time management and gettin the important things done first. set aside time where i could study and do my work before time comes down to the last minute so i wouldnt be frustrated and worried about getting my work handed in on time.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to apply for lots of scholarships and grants. I would tell myself to focus on school and not try to work full-time and go to school full-time. And I would tell myself to go to a 4-year institution the entire time instead of a community college. I would be persistant on studying really hard and focusing completely on school work. Lastly I would tell myself to always have fun through the entire experience because it is a experience all in itself.
If I was standing with myself at the age of seventeen, the age where I'm trying to find "the BEST college possible to fit my personality," I would yell at myself and say to "RELAX!"
Socially we are told that college is the best four years of our life. It's the time when we grow up, become independant, and really find ourselves and career paths. Ok, well if that is true, I have to find the PERFECT place to do it right!? Being a liberal, outdoor enthusiast from Utah, I was eager to escape the confines of our conservative legislature and "bubble" by going to an out of state school. Oh the pressure of picking the right one! I would want to tell myself that that no college is perfect. No college will have exactly the type of people that I get along with, the perfect weather, the perfect little town and community. What the challenge is, is adapting to whichever you choose and making it perfect for yourself. After that extremely tough choice is made, I would remind myself that the first semester won't be easy, but if you really want to, you'll make it.
Enjoy high school and your friends. Remember that loyal friends are to be cherished. Treat them with kindness as you make memories that will last a lifetime. Most importantly, plan your future. Ask yourself what are your goals and how are your going to achieve them. Without a milestone or map you may be lost.
Develop yourself by spending extra time to improve those skills in which you are weak and build upon the skills that you have that are solid. Explore your local universities evening classes or investigate earning college credits while in high school. Computer skills are a must. Begin now to learn as much software as possible. This will allow more time to study and prepare your presentation, without learning software as you go. Do not settle for status quo.
Do not be afraid of the unknown. The world is to be explored and appreciated. Learn about cultures and the diversity around you. Reach out to others to make new friends. Enjoy the happiness and rewards of helping those in need. Encourage your friends to join you in protecting the environment. Remember to continue learning and laughing throughout your life.
If I visited my high school senior self, describing how fantastic college is would be a difficult task. However, I would have some major tips to say. This first bit of info is that I should find a roommate to room with before signing up for housing. This is because both of my roommates so far have not been very friendly. More information would be to prepare to do a lot of work. Being in college, I have realized that education is not only a priority but a major step towards my dream job of being an optical engineer. Lastly, I would tell my high school self to look forward to all the good time I will have. So far, I cannot even start to detail the great moments I have had.
Seek out help immediately, don't wait and assume you'll "do better" next time. Also, create study groups. Figure out when you study best and utilize that time. Don't procrastinate, it'll kill ya! Have fun. :) Follow your heart - it's a lot of money to spend doing something you don't enjoy.
I would tell myself that there is no need to be nervous about higher education, I would put extreme emphasis on how important it is to take my higher education as serious as possible. This one of the biggest investments you can make in your life and it prepares you for the road ahead.
One piece of advice is please go to class and actually do the readings! Believe it or not, professors assign you certain readings for a purpose, so do them. I know it will be easy to sleep in and skip class since teachers don't do attendence, but wake up and go! You will come to realize that students don't get ready for class like they do in High School. It is no longer a fashion show, so put on some comphy clothes, brush your teeth and walk to class. Secondly, will you break up with your overprotective boyfriend already? You need to experience Dorm life for all the great things it has to offer. Be outgoing and proactive to meet new people. Some of the friends you will meet could last a life time so cherish the first year of college. Embrace being a Freshman. Don't worry about trying to make yourself look older, because the upper classmen can always tell whose fresh out of High School, and honestly, they don't care. Everyone was in your shoes at one point, so enjoy these years because before you know it you'll be a graduating senior!
I would take as many classes as possible at the community college, and have a better study plan. Do not waste time getting Associate degree. Classes in university are much harder than they are at the community college - be prepared for it . Go to school right after high school - do not wait untill you are older - it is much harder to study when you are older. Do not worry about dating people, partying and all that stupid stuff - just focus on studies. Take care of your health, eat healthy, exercise.
Although going to college involves gaining a great deal of freedom, it's important to remember why it is that you are going to college in the first place because in college you may easily become sidetracked by these newly acquired liberties . Sure college is there for you to gain a great deal of experiences that will come to shape the rest of your life and social life plays a big part of that, but your number one goal is to get an excellent education. In order to do this, maintaining your focus and making a commitment to yourself that you will do the best work possible is absolutely key. College means responsibility. You now hold your fate in your own hands and your actions will truly determine whether your future endeavors are achieved. So realize that your college career and your future is what you make it. Best of luck.