Dear High School Senior Jenny,
Challenge yourself; do not torture yourself. You aren't the best at math and science and that's okay because you will realize you are not suited to be a Biochemistry major anyway and change to Psychology which just feels right. You are much more responsible than you know and taking care of yourself will be a breeze, and although you prefer to share a house or dwelling with another human being, you can learn to be by yourself (way to go!). In short, do not underestimate yourself.
Yourself in one year.
Taking advanced classes and community college classes to get college credit was the best thing I ever did for my transistion. To make the transition more smooth, take any hard classes at a community college while enrolled in the normal university classes. This takes off the stress to get a great grade, as it doesn't affect your universtity GPA. I would say that transitioning students should take a smaller course load their first semester. I should have taken 12 units (full time at my school) my first semester in order to really get that change down. It is surprising how hard the classes are and how easy it is to forget an assignment! Be very organized. Keep a calander with due dates, but balance school and a social life too. Don't lose yourself in your classes and GPA, companies care about you being a well rounded and happy person also. GPA isn't everything! These are the years of your life you want to remember, so live them balanced. Don't make decisions you'll regret.
I would tell myself that the college life is going to be hard but you should make the best of it. Not everything is going to come your way. You are an adult now and every action that you make will affect the rest of your life but you should never regret it because it is your life. College is going to be hard so you need to focus on the education and not the social life. And I would tell myself that you need to enjoy your life in the present as a high school student because trust me it will never be the same.
Do more research about your IB credits. Find out if the honors classes you're taking will actually do you any good in college. Don't take anything that the University says for granted. Double check all of your information, especially when it comes to scholarships. Stay on top of things and don't assume that things will just magically fall into place for you. You will be homesick and it will be tough at times, but you'll get through it and have a blast. :)
I would have told myself to take more college courses throughout my summers in high school. I would have utilized my time in high school to improve on my time management skills. I would have applied to more scholarships and told myself that tutoring really does help. The professors, TA's, and instructors are not your enemy they are there to teach and you are there to learn. I would have said that taking two major science courses in the same semester is beyond insane! I would have said that in order to transition into the school you have to venture out because there is a whole world waiting for you. I would have also said that the freshman 15 does exist and panda every night doesnt count as a healthy meal. I would have said dont worry home isnt far away and they arent going anywhere.
Be prepared for a whirlwind of fun, hard work, and all new experiences. The college lifestyle is fast-paced and vastly different from the life you lived in high school. Remember that you are on your own now and remember that you are at college for a purpose, and that is a good education. Attend class diligently because professors have no sympathy for absences and could honestly care less that you even attend class. College is about two things: learning and new experiences. These two things will prepare you for the life after college and you must be diligent and persistent in order to accomplish the goals that you set for yourself. It is time to take responsibility for yourself and realize that in order to be successful, you need to persevere and always remember that you are at school for a reason. It is okay to have fun, but you must realize that you are paying for this education, so take advantage of that and the amazing faculty that teaches you.
Don't drink and drive
Well, I think that no matter what advice someone gives you as a high school senior, can never prepare for the excitement that is college life. Being in high school and being in college are completely different. In high school , you are living with your parents and, in a sense, have to worry about less. When you're in college, you have a lot more freedom. With that freedom comes responsibility. You have to study and do assignments on your own. There is no one there to remind you, its up to you. At the same time, you make your own chioces about other things as well. So, I guess that when I was a senior I wish that I knew that I have to nit stress out about everything so much. I wish that I knew that even when you think you didn't do as well as you'd hoped, theres always tomorrow.
?Talk to advisors, ask a lot of questions, go out and get information yourself, never rely on other people to do the groundwork for you; the only person that fully understands your dreams and desires is you
?Set realistic goals based on life experiences and academic capabilities. No sense in overloading classes then failing half of them. This only makes college miserable
?Become more organized, make sure all documentation is correct and keep notes, or at least an information index card, on people you meet so you can refer back to the correct person if you need help or information
?Network with other students, some of the best deals are from word of mouth.
?Do not rush life, there will be plenty of time to party and enjoy your success after exams and graduation
?Always get to class at least five minutes early to relieve the stress of being late
?Sit in the front row of the class. You cannot be distracted by what other people are doing if you cannot see them. Another benefit of sitting upfront is the instructor seems as if they are lecturing to you personally
I have often pictured myself as a senior in high school getting ready to graduate. If I could go back and re-do all of the mistakes that I have made, I would. I wish that I would have taken my studies more seriously and pushed myself to make higher grades. However, do to extreme circumstances, I did not. In my opinion, young people should more serious and commented to obtaining higher grades. Not only does meeting high academics help ones self-esteem, but it also better ones chances of receiving scholarships to help finance their education goals.