A transition from high school to University is exciting as well as full of challenges in every students life.I feel its worthwhile an expedition to take.College life is much more fun but at the same time it is much more disciplined and keeps you on your toes working on assignments to projects, maintaining a good standing in your class.Meeting the deadlines and at the same time attending lectures is very important.As a high school senior i feel the last year of school makes you carefree as the excitement to enter a new phase of life begins;so if i could go back in time i would like to work in an organised way,attending lectures,meeting the deadlines and working hard so that the transitional phase from high school to university becomes easier for me.College life besides giving you an academic atmosphere opens you to the real world and makes you more competitive.But i think the stepping stone for a successful person starts at school and if you can feel that,life becomes easier for you.So i feel if i understood this while in high school things would have been simpler for me.
If I could go back in time, I would give myself the advice to go straight into Economics for my major. I started college as a Science major, and unfortunately, the classes were very hard. The first semester of college my grades were aweful. If I had started in Economics, my GPA would be closer to a 3.6 and I would have many more opportunities for internships, scholarships, and graduate school opportunities. I would also tell myself to study abroad for a semester, instead of for a summer. I could have learned even more than I have now.
There are plenty of things that I wish I knew during my senior year of high school about my upcoming years of college. I would tell myself that $19.99 would no longer qualify as an "expensive" book. I would tell myself how amazing it is that I can actually be coherent after getting only four hours of sleep. Most importantly though, I would tell myself that all the hard work really does pay off. I would tell myself that no matter how stressful finals, essays and those ever so time-consuming Photoshop projects are, the sense of accomplishment and pride I would feel when I earn that coveted A grade will make all those caffeine filled nights of work worth it. I would tell myself that I made the right decision to go to college and study something that I love. I would tell myself to enjoy every moment I am blessed with, even the late night moments spent in the library when I seriously wonder whether my brain is capable of holding any more information. I would tell myself to be confident and look forward to my future for it is bright.
If I could go back about a little over three years ago and give myself advice into how college would be and how to make my transition a bit easier, personally I do not believe I would want to. I love the fact that I did not know what to expect and went into this experience with a completely open mind and open heart. Not knowing what was ahead of my was the excitement of college and if I tried to give myself advice before I went to college, knowing me I would have given away alot of the fun and excitement. Even though I went into this experience not knowing what to expect, nothing could have ever prepaired me for the memories, fun and many jokes that could have came out of every situation and experience i endured. For me college is the best experience of any young adults life. This is where you find yourself; know what you want out of life and begin the path in fulfilling your own destiny. College is a four year experience that will never be taken away and full of memories that will last a lifetime.
Go to community college first. That is what I would have told myself. Although I love attending a four year college, I would have spent a lot less money trying to find the right major for me if I had gone to a community college while deciding what I wanted to do as a career.
I'd help myself become comfortable with knowing that I don't have to leave the city I grew up in to go to college. Had I grown up in another city/state I would have highly considered the University of Arizona, but because I grew up in Tucson I thought it cliche to end up there so I left it on the back burner when considering colleges. In the long run this is where I have found myself and as I really look into all that is available to me through this University it is exactly what I needed. The sunshine keeps me smiling as I head to and from class, the staff is helpful, supportive, incredibly knowledgable and interactive. I find that the school spirit on this campus is above most. It seems to be that on a daily basis, at least 25{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students and faculty are wearing some sort of school color or emblem. It's great to feel a part of this community of educators and students.
If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to think about the money. College life is great and I love the University of Arizona. I found a major that I am interested in and I have met many amazing people. Unfortunately, money is always an issue and with the economy the way it is now it would have probably been better to start at a community college and earn an associates and then enter the University of Arizona to finish the bachelors degree. When I was graduating high school I considered entering a community college but I wanted to experience living away from home and decided to go straight to a four year institution. Academically this was not a problem because I have always been responisble and a hardworker but sometimes I wonder if all of this is worth the loans. College is a very important step to working towards a promising career but as I enter my junior year of college and I realize that graduate school is inevitable I question if I could have been more economical. I would definetly tell my high school self to remember the price of college.
college is the important part of a person's life. it is where we build our carrer, our future that will be wit us for the rest of our life. making right decisions by saying no to the bad influences and being on top of the game at all time help you to be succesful in college. working hard will really paid off at the end.
Don't be afraid to take chances, regrets are harder to get over than mistakes. Do you best academically, but do not get upset when you fail. Get to know everyone you can, you never know what they can do for you in the future. Introduce yourself to your professors on the first day, they are the ones in charge of your sucess. Go to the football games, it is pride in its finest form. Walk around campus and take it all in because one day you are going to wake up wondering where the last four years went and will miss it.
Research scholarships more, and understand the terms to choose the best one. Also, don't work as many hours outside of school, make the time to concentrate on classes.