University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


The best college is the college that makes you feel the most comfortable. Whether that be financially, socially, or academically, being comfortable is the first step to accepting your school as a second home. Choosing your school has to be your choice. Doing your research, asking questions, and speaking to people who attend the institution are the best ways to fully gain information about the way a college functions. A high school teacher once told me, "Colleges are businesses, they're out to make money". Brochures and pamphlets, web pages, and books are all about making the college appealing, so first hand research is a must when it comes to picking the right school for you. In order to make your college experience the best one, you have to step outside of your comfort zone, try things you may have never tried before like joining a club or eating a new type of food. These types of things open the door to meeting new people and understanding new ideas and concepts in life. College is where you transition from young adult to a working citizen in America, so engage in all you can to become a better person.


Shop around and visit the prospective campuses to get a good feel for how your life will be for the next four years. And once there, don't just sit in your room all day; get out and mingle if you want to get the most out of the college life. Yeah, you're there to study and such, but college is also a big opprotunity to meet new people. If you can't decide on a major just yet, there's no rush. Experiment and find an area in which you feel comfortable.


Find what you want to do and stick with it! Don't let anyone tell you what you can do or what you're not capable of--you are in control of your own destiny. Explore your options and don't be afraid to dream big. It's better to try and fail than live with the regret of having never reached for the stars. When selecting a college, make sure it has the program of study, environment, and living accomodations that best suit your tastes. If you settle for a school you don't really care for, you won't be completely satisfied. Money shouldn't be an issue because it can always be made up later. Go for what you desire, and just have fun with it.


I would advise everyone to apply to every school possible. It doensn't matter the income, there will always be help out there. I also recommend that you go visit the school before the first days of classes. Tardiness is not acceptable for most professors.


The most important thing in finding the college that is right for you or your student is to actually be there and learning what that college is all about. There is only so much that a tour of the university will do for you. To truley find out what a college is like I honestly think that you need to spend some time there as a student. Now this doesn't mean attend every college on your wish list. But compile a list of your top schools and pick your favorite from your inital impression and go there. If you don't like it after a semester don't think that it's too late to transfer or apply to another school. In life its never too late to change. This is all the more true in college because there will be no other time in your life when you will be more flexible then in college. To get the most out of your college experiance my advice is to just be open. Try new things, meet new people, but always remember who you are so you don't lose yourself in all the newness around you.


Be open and try new things. Get involved quickly and in a lot. Take advantage of all the opportunities that college gives you.


When making the intimidating and possibly life altering decision of which college to attend, one should make this choice with three separate ideas in mind. The first of these and arguably most crucial is where one will be able to best reach his or her goals. This can be judged off of the specific major one has chosen and how the college?s program is structured and matches the students learning style. The overall academic community can affect this as well. The next idea to keep in mind is the distance from family and friends. Some students will find the urge to gain separation and find independence, well others seek the comfort or necessity to be close to their family and loved ones. The final idea that parents and students alike should keep in mind during the college search is the location of the college. A rewarding college experience is often linked to the campus? community and area, and a campus visit definitely should be made before making a final decision. With these ideas in mind, a student should find themselves a college where they can happily grow both academically and as a well-rounded individual.


Do not just think about what college your friend will be going to. Just focus on your major and what is affordable considering your expenses. You can always make new friends, but money is harder to come by.


I would say that the most important thing when looking for the right college is knowing what area of study you want to get into. That way, colleges with emphasis on that specific area with have better programs to prepare you for your career choice. Another important factor is location. I personally would overall feel better in an area that has more things to do around the city and also possesses decent weather. This factor will make you feel more comfortable in your surroundings and allow you to get a chance to meet new people through different activities.


Go with your gut feeling and try and visit all of the schools you are looking at.