University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


Be very selfish! College is all about what you want, and keep in mind that your experience also depends on what you make of it. So be open to opportunity and don't be afraid to take risks, but keep in mind that its the student who gets to live the dream. Don't be afraid to ask questions and never be intimidated by cost. You can go wherever you'd like, there is always a way. Come to Tucson!!!


There are many things that a person who is about to decided on the college they are going to attend is bias towards. For instance, they want to go to the BEST college, a college that is better than their friends and one that proves there intellectual stimuli, however that is not all there is to being the "right college". Finding is the right college is like finding the missing piece to a puzzle. My advice to parents and students is to find a college that will make you happy. The college that made me happy was one that had social events because I enjoy meeting new people and also one that had an amazing science program that would give me the opportunity to do research. And lastly, I wanted a school that would close to family, but not to close and the college I attend now is two hours away from may family. This is perfect because it is far enough for me to have a real college experience, but close enough for me to go home anytime I need a break.


"All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth," quoted by Aristotle shows the spoken and ever present need for higher education among our race. Among great importance of education itself, is the importance of where and how this education should progress. College represents the main foundation of higher education, helping to prepare for a successful life. A college is a child?s home away from home and therefore should be able to satisfy feelings of comfort, security, as well as community. Educationally the satisfaction should come from the excellence of the degree programs offered as well as the clubs that can help explore different ideals and concepts in life. Focus, determination and opportunity are the main words I live by. Aim high for each and every goal you set and don?t let up until they are met. In college it seems students have all the freedom in the world to make each experience worth while, the opportunities are endless when surrounded by so many diverse individuals, but none of the experiences will come to light unless it is embraced with optimism and openness.


The advice I would give to students and/or parents about finding the right college is to defiantly go and see your top colleges before choosing. Once arriving on campus you will get a sense of what your experience will be like if you choose this school. Take a look around this could be the place you spend your next four or so years. Making sure that the area surrounding your campus is comforting is also a very important aspect of choosing a college. Talk to people you see walking around the campus ask them what their likes and dislikes are about the campus, it will help you get an insiders opinion. It worked for me. As for making the most out of your college, find out how to get involved. Meeting new people will help you create a memorable experience and also help get you through the tough transition. The amount of effort you put forth in making your college experience one to remember is extremely important. Don?t be afraid to put yourself out there, it will only help you create a better experience.


Think about what's academically and financially best for you or your child. Be open to different possibilites and ALWAYS research and visit the college of your choice before making you final decision.


To ensure that you make the correct choice for yourself I would reccomend that you take tours of at least three schools. I for one did not take any tours and luckily chose the right place. But what would have been a big help when I first started attending the University of Arizona is utilizing the faculty to find clubs that have students with interests similar to my own. While studying is an important aspect of being successful at a university a social life is equally as imortant. Without friends and down time you honestly cannot be as successful as you aspire to be. Your brain needs down time and overstudying without breaks and free time can be as detrimental as not studying at all. Find groups and clubs with similar interests. Take calses with friends that you can form a study group with and incorporate other people into your groups. Include those people on nights out at the football game or going out to dinner. But most importantly have fun while in school because as we all know happiness equals success.


Visit it first. You can't get a true feel for the campus until you experience it personally. Also, find a school that has a great program for your major. If you go to a big school get involved in some club or activity to meet friends and shrink the campus.


When it comes to deciding on where to attend college, make your decision based on where you want to go personally. Do not let others affect your life decision. Also, study hard, and maintain an academic focus. Yet, make time to have fun. Meet people and get involved socially and with activities and clubs offered on campus. Make the best of your college experience, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity!


campus tours


I would definitely suggest that a student and their parents should take a tour of the campus and the town that the campus is located in before making the decision of what college is right for them. I also suggest that students make it their number one priority to stay organized and figure out a system that helps them manage their time. It is very important to balance your school work, social life and job, if they are planning to work. Keep on track with your classes and credits to make sure you graduate and accomplish what you are going to college for but also make sure to meet new people because of the great diversity of the students at most universities that you would not meet other wise. Parents should make sure to support their child and understand that the first year might be hard on their child and on them if they are not used to being away from home, but just remember how much your child is growing from this experience. It is truely an eye opening experience that should be enjoyed to the fullest so use your time there wisely!