University of Arizona Top Questions

What should every freshman at University of Arizona know before they start?


I would tell myself that you really need to buckle down and try and do all your homework the day it is assigned because by procrastinating by just one day can easily through you off by a whole week. I would also say that you shouldn't be so worried or nervous to start the college life because it isn't that bad as long as you have your head on tight and stay focused but also not worry about not having a social life because college is all about meeting new people and making new friendships.


The first and most important advice I would give is, unless given a scholarship, find a good school close to home and live at home. There are so many good reasons for this. Not only will it save you ALOT of money, but you will have more time to concentrate on your studies in a family environment. Some people might say that it is good to learn to be independent at this point in your life, by living on your own. However, I would argue this is not necessarily true, since college in general, such as networking, talking to advisors, learning the ins and outs of the system including the tools which are available at your particular college will help immensely in your growth as an independent individual. Plus, there will be plenty of time later on to live on your own in a more secure/less stressful period, because college can be stressful! Do not worry that your college career will be less meaningful or less fun if you decide to live at home because you will have plenty of friends who have houses/dorms which will allow you to be a part of the college experience.


I would advise myself to not procrastinate and to be more social


Stop I know what you?re thinking; "College is going to be sick dude; girls, parties, drinking it?s going to be awesome." And your totally right, college is full of fun and you will meet a lot of girls. But stop and think, your parents agreed to sign the financial aid to attend the U of A, when you know there is no income to supplement it. You want to major in Business, and one of the most important things you have to learn is integrity. With integrity you have to think about all of the shareholders in the business process. In the case of attending college, your most important shareholders are your parents. I know it?s going to be hard, but I guarantee you it?s easier to buckle down now than it is 4 years down the road.


I would say; keep your grades up, get more involved, volunteer, start better study habits, actually use the library! Also I would say don't be nervous about college it's the same routinue just more time consuming. Make sure you use all of your resources in college; teachers, libraies, advisors, social networks, other students, etc. because those are going to get you far in your education. Lastly, you'll have an amazing time!


If you think you know it all by now, you still have a lot to learn. College is the time when you become who you will be for the rest of your life and not just career wise. College gives you the guts to try a lot of new things and you will learn so much about yourself, others and the world you live in. Don't expect that it will come easy, you will have to work your butt off at times but always keep in mind that the rewards are well worth it. Consider the papers, homework, exams, all-nighters and groans as a rite of passage and the beggining of all the stories you are going to tell friends and family. There is no other experience quite like the college life, so study hard, play hard and just soak it all up. Remember that for every hard time will be two great memories that you will keep with you.


I would tell myself simply to enjoy my last year as much as I could. I didn't have a problem transitioning, but I realized that as much as I love college, I miss my senior year of high school at times. I would maybe also tell myself that my hard work and everything I did prepared me well, so to not be concerned about it; just to keep it up especially during the times it was very difficult to be motivated to do so


My best advice would be to look for what field of business the student is interested in and research the best colleges that offer that certain major, then most importantly, the student and parents should visit the schools that they are interested in applying to. Visiting the school definitely makes a big impact on deciding which college to attend to. Everyone has different priorities that they look for in choosing a college, so the best way is to look for the colleges that meet their priorities and taking a campus tour of colleges certainly help give students and parents an idea of what the school is like. So I advise students and parents to take trips to visit colleges. It'll be fun to spend time with your family and definitely worth your time since it is a time spent to determine the future of the student!


My first slice of advice to any student is to decide what you want to do with your life and, more importantly, why. Allowing yourself to remain indecisive keeps you from furthering yourself everyday in the exact direction you want to take with your life. Secondly, have a reason for being specifically at the school you choose to go to. This may be because of an excellent program they offer, a particular teacher, or otherwise, but make it a good and firm reason in your mind so that when you?re tired, overwhelmed, and hormonal, you?ll have an unshakable reminder for why you?re putting yourself through this. Also, set a goal for yourself other than getting a degree. A degree is great and necessary, but why else are you here? Make it personal, significant, and worthy of four years of hard labor. Lastly, go into college having already decided what is and is not personally acceptable to you regarding relationships, partying, and even recycling. Your viewpoints may and will change, but go into college being as solid in yourself as you can because your world is truly about to be turned upside down. Smile and go with it.


Definately find the right college and you will do better in school. Relatives of mine have went to school that they hated and their grades suffered along with their social life and all around enjoyment of college.